Friday, November 8, 2019

11.8.19 Awards Assembly

It is always with great trepidation I head to the marathon evening of parent-teacher conferences. This year I heard some great results, maybe there was a district-wide memo to teachers just say nice things? I'm not sure but I cam away breathing easier and hopeful some big gains were on the horizon. The awards assembly the next week was a real haul of awards. I was so thankful for the additional recognition of students who completed a lot of lessons on the school testing program. This allowed more kids to be recognized. Recognition is SO important to motivating students. Love this handsome, hardworking, book-loving group of mine. I really appreciate that they all got an award. It is hard to see their disappointment when they are the one that did not earn recognition.

Of course, that success all comes from starting young. I love that her tongue is stuck out as she concentrates on being big like the other kids here.

Livy has insisted that she grow her bangs out. This is another attempt at keeping them out of her eyes. She is a beautiful lady and is growing so much right now.

Addie spent many hours finding this carpet. This is our catch-all room. It gets very deep as we all toss stuff in there, dig for what we need right now, and the little kids enjoy finding the treasures that are hidden within. Addie would love to toss most of it but I can't let her as we use most things annually or more often. Some things are leftover from my past like material and tin cans for food storage, but I'm not ready to give up. She patiently organizes this quarterly and I thank her for her determined digging. She's so good to me.

Harold with the two cousins Alia and Evander. Evander is at least 6 months older weighed in at 22 lbs, which was big for him and Alia is now 28lbs. She's a big strong lady who has lately developed a fierce determination to do things herself her way. 

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