Tuesday, November 19, 2019

11.19.19 Meanwhile back at home

When I get worried I'm not contributing enough or I should be doing something more than just my meager mother manager attempts more comes along in a big way.  So I relish sweet moments when my two raspberry jam lovers enjoy a snack before bed. Lia was just licking the jam and butter off the bread. There is no bread consumption just jam. John is a master jam eater and appreciated this talent. 

Some close friends had a hard trial where their grandbaby died within days of birth. I offered to make a blanket for the baby to be buried in. At the time I thought it would be a simple offering. The end process was not because of my lack of practice but this was the end result, a super soft white blanket.
I was honored to be part of the grieving process. These experiences are becoming very sacred memories for me. And I keep thanking God it is not my turn yet to hurt that bad.

The kids continue to work on the leaves. This lady is the most fastidious of the rakers. I love her willingness to work. Her sister Livy also raked a lot and told me "See I don't just sit around..." She is growing up so much right now it's literally mind-boggling.

And me and my latest ride. I learned to drive trucks on the oldest truck on the farm. This one is comparable. I'm proud I can manage and am helping. I can see through the floorboard and it would only go into second gear the first few days. On a dark and lonely road, I jammed the gears and had to have them realigned by my husband. Then I found third gear and thought I was flying!! Mark and I cut a solid half-hour off our water time with jus that simple discovery.

Where we stand and fill the truck with 2100 gallons of water. This takes about half an hour to accomplish. I'm thankful mark will start the pump as that has always been tricky to me. We visit with the neighbor, we talk about life, we pet the neighbor's dog, we walk back and forth on the road. Mark is never at a loss for conversation and it's been pleasant to get to know and work with this son of mine. I'm always thankful and impressed when I get to see my sons in their true color, not just the boxed in frustrated and bored at home guys that drive me crazy.

During the day I have the three younger ones. They get so bored with mom. This day Bruce opened 6 boxes of dry mac and cheese and dumped it all around the downstairs room. So he and Afton had to clean it up.

Lia is a cleaner at heart. She loves to pick up, wipe up, scope up and put in order our chaos. Afton was trying a new hairdo this day finally managing a ponytail. She did a great job sticking with the task and getting the floor clean.

So live changes and gets more involved. That's ok. I often wonder if we are doing enough, if we are doing the right things and had several discussions this weekend with my kids promising them this always working life is going to help them be successful in their future endeavors. That's hard to see for them and for me. Of course my philosopher Aliza challenged if it's hard in heaven? I told her there is lots of work to do there too. I love when my kids are around, I love the life they bring into my home and the diversity they bring into my life. I am thankful for the inspiration and strength and health we are given. I was struck again this weekend as two kids Millie and Alia a few days apart had a small bout of the flu. We just don't get sick that often. That is a blessing. I'm trying to be more mindful of those this month and daily. It's easy to get bogged down in the normalcy but hard times like the families that have lost loved ones this year zing me back into immense gratitude for the boring life I live. Healthy energetic kids and husband, enough to go around, safety we take so for granted and the opportunity to live and complain as we choose. Life is good.

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