Tuesday, November 12, 2019

11.12.19 Leaves & Lia

I love our tree coverage in the summer months. The shade is glorious and allows my fair-skinned crew to play outside worry-free for hours on end. However, in the fall I really wish we would have cut more limbs off or reduced the tree number by half. The leaf clean up is required they are too thick to allow lawn to survive and so hours and hours are spent raking and hauling leaves. A few years ago we learned that leaves are a good soil amendment so we diligently dump them about a foot deep on our garden spots. We still have a lot leftover! This crew is getting initiated into leaf removal. 

They are getting older and stronger and more capable and I am learning to call different names when I need a job done. We are going through some growing pains as we shift responsibilities around forcing the younger yet old enough kids to also pull their weight and take care of what needs to be done.

Aliza brought this leaf back from Indiana it is truly as big as half a full-size newspaper.

Millie and Aliza had raked piles so all we had to do was pick them up. The crew was willing and worked well. Lia was intently studying what the process was.

Adding her handful of leaves. It was so cute.
 Taking leaves to the field to dump. The kids did pretty well staying on task and getting the job done. Some are more focused than others but all in all we accomplished what was necessary and it was fun to be with them on such a pleasant evening.

After the first few loads she wandered off, I remembered she was out there and started to hear her struggling wondering what she was into I went to find her carrying this basket to use for her container to haul leaves. 

I helped her bring the basket to the pile and she got the rake to pick up like I was doing a few seconds before. 

We got her basket full but realizing it was too big for her to carry I carried both to the field.

The kids helped her a fill her basket a few more times, then carried her to the field to empty it. She is intent on doing what they do! She also lets us know when she doesn't want help and when it is ok.

As the sun was setting the temperature was dropping. Her hands got cold, so I sent her inside with a sister to warm up. When I came in she seemed hungry so we got her some food, she took a few bites as her eyes got heavier and heavier. In about 30 seconds she was asleep. My hard worker needed a break.

In some ways she is reminding me of Addie who has always insisted she can do whatever the big kids are doing. Lia replaces lids on the milk jug, she puts things back in their place, she sees what needs to be done and does it. That's rare! One of the best parts of motherhood is getting to know each individaul child for their talents, desires, like and dislikes and then learning how to parent them and most important remembering who is who, and how to work with each. Life is good.

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