Saturday, February 1, 2020

2.1.20 Ag show

Ah, the western treasure Valley Ag show, the fun of trick or treating without dressing up! The kids love this experience. I was not so keen on going but went to be supportive of my husband and family. The highlight was getting to meet and speak with Mr. Radio himself Dr. Jim Z of Zamzows, after hearing his commercials for years it was surprising and thrilling to speak with him. 

We learned some from the displays and videos. We shook hands and spoke with the vendors.

The boys of course were drawn to the power equipment. Dreams! Someday maybe.

The girls got these lovely pink hats from the Valley booth. They were delighted. They also got pizza cutters, cell phone holders, cup insulators, pens, pads of paper, and CANDY. Candy that lasted for days! We were joined and encouraged to attend by Greg's sister Deanne who has hoped to share the fun with her children. This year they were able to come and join us for the Ag fair experience. These two are so similar. About six months apart they are definitely cut from the same cloth. They had such a godo time exploring and gathering items at the fair together. Baht fun stretched into the next day.

We are blessed to have lots of cousins, sometimes even cousins that think and act very similar to us, who see life the way we do! We are fortunate to live by the grandparents that all come to see so we get to enjoy their visits too. As we gear up and plan for this year we are thankful for breaks like this that give us more knowledge and hope that we too will be successful farmers. The continued rain fuels confidence in the coming growing season, and gives us reason to stay inside or do some chores that have been waiting for a slower time. Thank goodness for seasons.

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