Tuesday, December 31, 2019

12.31.19 Corn Family Christmas Party

We have grown and changed over the years. From simple singing of a few carols to a full-fledged dress-up nativity play we are evolving. The kids had several parts of the play and I was so impressed with their reverence for the experience. They are coming to really enjoy the experience. 

 Mark as Samuel the Lamanite foretelling the baby Jesus birth in five years.

Millie the angel Gabriel telling Mary she will have a son.

Mary riding to Bethlehem on the donkey.

 The animals in the stable and the stars apear. Anna and Aliza managed the crew off stage.

The angelic heavenly host appearing to the shepherds. The innkeeper lounges in the background, hiding behind the piano are accompanist Cadi and narrators Megan and Addie.

More stars appear. LIa became the most reliable not moving much.

The three wise men/guys make an appearance also bringing gifts and good wishes to baby Jesus.

Millie, Jenna, and Afton as angels. See the star happily perched on the inn keeper? Perfect!

The cast of kiddos. Pretty impressive group of energy there. 

The adult gift exchange. The Dan family poor Melissa was so sick that night.

I told my kids before we left they had to dress in nice clothes that we weren't going to a pajama party. I was surprised and laughed out loud to see my brother Kevin's family show up in pajamas as per tradition from his wife. Oh well, we all had a great time no matter our attire. How could we not my brothers are great cooks and we were so full and content as a result. Greg's favorite part of these family gatherings is the delicious vast amounts of meat!

Mary got the hot item of the night a muscle man pillowcase. She works hard to plan a nice evening with easy yet enjoyable activities. We appreciate her willingness to plan and pull off family events like this.

The next day the kids were overjoyed to play with Greg's gift inflatable horns to toss rings onto. Aren't they cute reindeer?

Bruce holding his dinosaur from his stocking. We had a great evening. The spirit of love and friendship was strong. We are blessed because we choose to get along and be friends as we get older. IT is always nice to be together and especially when life is not so stressful there is a little more time for teasing, joking, smiling, and visiting. Life is good.

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