Monday, February 24, 2020

2.24.20 Get the Work done day

The days are unseasonably warm and sunny and we have a list as long as my arm of chores and repairs that need to be done to be ready for the growing season. Hence, not only Saturday but Fridays too, are the get the work done day. After a nice breakfast on Saturday meaning more variety and sustenance than the weekday oatmeal and eggs, Anna informed me our family had been asked to come help move parts from one store to another. We do business with this company and they do us a lot of good turns so I decided we really should rearranged plans and go give some man power to the project. We got dressed and out the door and on our way to Ontario. When we arrived they were surprised at the number of bodies but got us lined out on what needed to happen. We moved brake calipers, struts, and shocks. There are so many different models. 

We cleared both sides of those shelves. The hardest part was staying in order and not cutting or rushing to the front of the line. 

Then we took apart the shelves to be moved to the new store. 

Lia was asleep when we arrived but worke up about 45 minutes later and was ready to help. She was not big enough to carry the parts boxes but she was completely happy to move these boxes of gloves back and forth the kids were happy to run them back to the shelf for her to carry. She wants to be big and insists on being part of the action. 

While we could have just put parts in boxes the two men who were from the company headquarters kept reminding us it's easy to pack it's a nightmare to unpack if you haven't been careful. Thus one by one in order each part was stacked and packed. 

Until at the end a few boxes holding o rings, or large circle parts spilled and the girls volunteered to put it back in order. I thanked the adviser and the men for letting us help and apologized for the young ages. They said it was new but great to have so much help. On the way over Mark had been quizzing Anna on FFA questions. That's just how we roll right now. We all work together to get the jobs done. Sometimes it's frustrating, and sometimes its awesome. 

After a quick lunch of pizza and grapes we headed home to the waiting chores. Reed and John got back to burning the ditch line. Mark and Addie worked on rolling wire. Mark joined the burn crew around dusk and got into the action. 

 Greg and Harold began some of the pivot repair that has to happen. It was so much easier to change this gear box on the edge of the field where there was minimal carrying and no corn to scratch your face or make you sweat.

 We are so thankful for our strong kids who have so much know how. The older ones are generally tired at night and have confidence in their ability to tackle challenges. A few items were checked off the to do list today, thank goodness! It brings some peace when projects get done. The older kids headed to a stake activity that night where they had a surprisingly good time getting to know members of the opposite sex. The burn crew worked late as fire is illuminating, and the younger ones cleaned up and enjoyed being young and playing. After baths and scriptures we had "washed our hair and cleaned our clothes so we could be ready for Sunday."

Thursday, February 20, 2020

2.20.20 A nod from Above

I put off going to the grocery store these days as I'm not so limber at chasing the little ones and they are at the wild stage. Or maybe I'm just getting old and slow and they are well aware of that. Nonetheless, we continue to eat through all desirable food in the house. The fridge was pretty empty and even the oatmeal bucket needed refilling. So We headed tot own with those who could be spared. Town was crazy busy with the Valentine's Day holiday shopping traffic. I had no idea it was such a busy shopping day. Yet we braved several big box stores all the while trying to keep everyone in sight, list in hand to check off needed items and to not run over or into any of our fellow shoppers. By this time I was frazzled and faint. 

 With the help of the Burger King App we have been able to afford some fun dates with our kids. This group usually misses out as they are left home. They enjoyed the addition of fries thanks to the app, I never order those as they are an unnecessary expense. As we munched away, my mom radar was calming down, but I was still a bit uneasy with all the random clientele around us. Of course two kiddos had to use the bathroom immediately! Thus I escorted them and left the others to their own smarts. I was a nervous wreck in the bathroom waiting, and waiting hoping no one took off with my lovely daughters left untended by a mean mom. Finally we were able to exit the bathroom to find them safe and still sitting in the same spot. RELIEF!
We headed to the library the hot spot for all my kids. Even that is getting less totally comfortable and there are times I'm on edge there too because of the varied people around.
Maybe it's too much Facebook, or news, or whatnot but the world is not as bright and shinny as it use to be. I worry about these lovely kiddos and try hard to keep them corralled, close, and hopefully safe.
So it was a pleasant surprise when some groceries showed up at my house yesterday. A very generous Costco run thanks to a very thoughtful dad. Thank you.  Maybe this was just a gentle nod that it's gonna be ok from someone upstairs who knew of the week before.

These little ones are precocious and incorrigible. They are busy and curious. Yet they are mine and I seek to keep them unfettered and free. 

Life is good and we are blessed and stocked up for a while. And I may just be changing my grocery running routine, I know Anna and Aliza love that responsible chore, even if they do sneak home things like Ramen noodles, gum, and chips. Things I never buy, but I guess that's part of growing up is making choices and honestly those aren't terrible consequences. I am blessed.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

2.19.20 Perfect time

After a long quick Sunday I looked around our living room to see almost all of my children emersed in books. I had finished a intriguing read af ew hours before and was listing to Livy and Millie read their books. The other kids were in various phases and positions of reading their books. My heart positively sang with delight. 

 I had to be quick and sneaky to get pictures of these kids they don't like pictures.

And I was in the middle of a story with this lady who wasn't sure she could finish a bigger book.

Even the young ones enjoyed looking at stories and hearing them read aloud by others. I read a quote that said to inspire reading your home should look like a library exploded. I can confirm the one thing
 I pick up everyday off couches and floor is books. My grandmother was surprised when I guessed we had over a thousand books in our home. I love watching my kids meet age old characters that I have loved. It's delicious to watch them giggle over good stories I enjoyed at their age. One thing I did to prepare to be a mom is read as I grew up. 
They are interesting people, they know things that many of their peers do not simply because we read. It's part of our heritage and our home, and our Sunday rest and relaxation day. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

2.18.20 Fight Hard

Anna worked hard two weeks ago on finishing up her application packet for State FFA Office. She has actually been working on this for four years. She has been blessed to be elected to the offices that would allow her to learn and become qualified for this highest position in the state. She has worked through defeat, discouragement, disagreements, and the daily grind of high school to become a better person. she is malleable, she is kind and friendly. She has traveled a lot meeting great people from all over the state and country who similarly love FFA. 
Yet she got news Friday night that she had thirty minutes to hand deliver her application or she would be disqualified! This was impossible, as we are 300 plus miles from Corvallis where the papers needed to be. We all quietly mourned and watched her reaction. She was quiet and withdrawn but proceeded on with life. I told a sister and her advisers and they all encouraged fighting this. Not sure of where to fight we endured the night. 

We were missing this. This simple piece of paper, one not to be noticed or needed that was thrown away. I've been working to cut down the clutter and thus cleaned my overfull purse or the pile of papers that is always on the edge of taking over the counter. Of course we burned the weeks garbage Friday morning as it was overflowing as well. 
 Anna's one hope of being admitted late entry was that small piece of paper. After a restless night, I did have the quick impression that Anna's trek father from years past was a postman in Nyssa. He is her friend and she confidently reached out to him asking if there was anyway to find lost mail without receipt in hand. He assured her there was and  thus a glimmer of hope was ignited. In the meantime we cleaned the car, she dug through all her bags and clothes hoping maybe the piece of paper was still among us. I dug through the garbage for the week, a job I detest, and worked on the right words to help her. Monday was a holiday so we waited some more.

Greg comes from strong stock of never giving up no matter the odds or the unlikelihood of success. His father is a master of this skill and has passed it on. Tuesday morning we sent the oldest three off to La Grande early in the morning for leadership contests. Greg waited for the post office to open. He spoke with the postmaster again and got precise directions and promise to help the local postal people through the process.
A few minutes later he got a return call saying they had found the package and determined the error!!
Apparently, Anna had not been strong in writing the zip code and had worked to strengthen the numbers. The typed/printed coding was correct and clear for Corvallis it was clearly attached to the package, however the reading machines took the one handwritten code over the other computer coded directions. Thus her package arrived promptly in Vancouver Washington, on Wednesday.
It was obviously lost, so was sent back to Boise and reviewed and forwarded onto Corvallis, Oregon. Arriving on Tuesday four days late!

Greg was pleased with this discovery as it was the proof that in good faith her packet should have been in Corvallis in plenty of time. The secretary in charge of receiving and distributing the packets told Anna if she could provide a receipt proving delivery she would be admitted to the running process. 
I worked to compose an email on Anna's behalf. The email was sent and we waited anxiously for the verdict. Anna was competing and was thus oblivious to all that was going on at home. We got names of people higher up to appeal the decision if she was not admitted. Finally, we got the return email she was accepted and would be part of the candidate pool. 
The flood of relief and joy was enormous. I sent a text to her adviser in La Grande asking her to have Anna check her email to get word of the news. The adviser told Anna between contests. 
Now we move on trying to juggle a lot of responsibilities and deadlines. Addie the coach will get more time working Anna over. We will be reaching out to others to help her sharpen and clarify her answers and understandings of herself and Oregon agriculture. And yet again the door for future FFA involvement is open. 
We are supremely thankful to the postal workers who took the time to find those important papers. And to her Dad who didn't give up or take no for an answer. 

2.18.20 Valentines Day

Valentines 2020 was one for the books. Greg and I learned a big lesson in parenting sorrows for our children and dragging them through life. I prepared our annual chicken cordon bleu dinner complete with candles. No one caught on fire this year, again. Though the girls try as they might swishing their hair dangerously close to the open flames we managed to get through the 20 minutes or so with no singed locks. The evening was definitely muted though when just before sitting down to dinner Anna announced she had not made the deadline with her State officer application and would not be running for state office. This was not good news. Although she did not cry we were all aware of the heartbreak and disappointment this was. Greg was mad, I was sad and sick to my stomach. We questioned and reached out to those who might be able to comfort and or counsel on how to deal with this unwelcome news. 
After the solemn dinner we resistantly changed our clothes and prepared to attend the local Valentines dance. Three or Four kids desperately wanted to go and were ready and in the car lickety split. The other 8 or 9 kids adamantly voiced their protest and disgust at having to go with us. I reminded Greg it was fun to go places just the two of us in the LONG LONG ago time before all the focus on the family. Nonetheless being the iron-willed parents we are we enforced the family togetherness rule and loaded the car. We were surprised to find a lot of people at the dance. This made fro a truly memorable night. The music, friendships, unique couplings and novel opportunity raised our spirits and literally rescued our very sour Valentine's Day. 

 Livy and Greg. He was a busy guy with so many daughters to take around the dance floor.

 Anna and Darrin. He's 12 he says he danced with all the pretty girls!

John with a good friend Lia, who was not hesitant to get her turn with him.

 Bruce was a pretty popular partner too. He danced in his big bog boots with more than just sisters.

Aliza begrudgingly dancing one time with her father, hoping it might be her ticket out of the torturous waiting and watching. She is so teenager some days.

Bruce with Addie's friend. He loves to go and do.

Lia even found a friend. This is Jethro Hiatt he is a month or so  older than Lia. She is taller of course. She enjoyed chasing him around.

And my Valentine for so many years now. I'm amazed at his patience and ability to forgive. He is suborn which is great trait for a dad. He is strong and he has way more energy than I. He also loves me unconditionally which I so appreciate. Life is good, although sometimes heartbreaking.

This was a first to be on the sideline watching and wondering as one of our children's hopes and dreams was crushed. There was nothing we could really do, well except text and ask for help, wonder if this was just an "act of God" and how to comfort our daughter. I spent the night texting with local FFA people, Anna got many texts from leader friends around the state. Lesson 1. She has some kind encouraging friends from many places in Oregon.
The next morning I woke up remembering a friend of Anna's was a postmaster, she reached out and spoke with him and he gave her a glimmer of hope. Our local post office demanded a receipt hard copy. Anna searched through all her bags and clothes, and the car. I hunted through piles of paper So Greg started and I finished digging through all our garbage sacks for the week, it's only collected weekly at the shop in town. I found some treasures like a missing teaspoon, I've been wondering where they are all going. Alas no receipt.
We counseled and encouraged Anna, more kind texts came from concerned friends and community persons. They all meant a lot. She worked on scholarships, and homework. From now on she will be missing a lot of school due to FFA. And we all came to gradually accept this was just one door closed.
Well all of us except Greg. He is his fathers son and does not quit, EVER.
But that will be the next post because I'm waiting to see how a new turn will play out. I think his determination is becoming the defining trait of our family.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

2.13.20 Eyes to see

January is a LONG month. It's so easy to get discouraged the short hours of daylight, the grey skies, the monotony of computer work, the cold weather. Ugh. I get worried and convinced that I am failing at this motherhood thing, and if I had more disposable funds or energy I would have run away long ago. Yet I found these pictures on my phone today and my heart was lightened because these unlike many pictures posted here are not unusual. They are our habit. They are our norm. We gather together and wind up our day. For better or worse for noise or for silent readers, we sit close and fight over touching too much, the young ones are snuggled and wrestled. We discuss with rolling eyes and sighs points of information or doctrine. We draw parallels and deep breaths. 

My kids know some things and they guess at a lot. They are instructed and mostly they are loved. My mind keeps going back to the compliment our family is stable. This is why. We earnestly seek to follow the prophets and to learn about God.

The words echoed in my ears it doens't matter if the kids are dressed, if the house is clean, it matters that they come to know God and to feel His love and our love. I guess I had my own witness today that despite my shortcomings, and life looking much different than I envisioned the msot important parts are doing well. I told Greg I felt like I was failing, he asked me how? I told him the only good thing we had going was everyone is alive. And that in my mind covers their bodies, spirits, intellect, and dreams. It's a lot of work trying to keep everyone engaged and moving forward. But right now we have some momentum and some great helps and they are all growing. I get mired in the piles and piles of dishes, they get in trouble for not seeing the need to help. We all work to be kinder and less prone to anger. But all in all we are moving in a good direction. Life is good and we are blessed.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

2.11.20 Work together

We are deep into the FFA leadership competition season. On top of that Anna has decided to run for state office. I'm overwhelmed with all she is suppose to know and be ready to do. I have a sassy/bored preteen who is itching to grow up and do things. Thus we put the two together and viola Addie the coach comes into play. She loves to do research she has time, and she is smart. She is compiling questions and quizzing her sister any chance she gets. A start of questions to help Anna get in the state FFA know. 

Her other love is sunsets. She notices beauty and contrast. She is always taking pictures that capture the stunning colors of nature. Why do we never color the sky this way? It's rarely just blue.

 Admittedly most winter sunsets are similar red, purple, awesome yellow and orange. The black trees not disrupting the view.

This is Mark's first project with the new Youth Program for the Church of Jesus Christ. His youth leader is a skilled builder and was happy to help him create a free range chicken pen for his market chicken venture. It looks a little like a playpen for the little kids, but will eventually be a deluxe chicken cage.

Life is a good we work and play together and get through our days. 

2.12.20 February Birthdays.

Our sweet Livy is 8. She had a good day relaxing at home and playing a lot. She was absolutely in heaven when Grandma Lasley called telling her she had a large present waiting for her. We made sure to get Grandma and the present to our house the next day so Livy didn't have to wait any longer. 

I made the cakes she and Mark love the Lemon Sunshine. Mark being the older much stronger brother managed to blow out the candles on both cakes before Livy had exhaled much more than a whisper. We re-lit the cakes to give her a turn.

My mom was very kind bringing a gift for this guy who wants every birthday to be his. He was super happy to get a present too.
 Livy with her new scriptures. She has been working hard to be able to read them on her own. She is at the point in which she can!! That is super exciting for her and me.

Mark goes through gloves because he is always working. He was delighted to get a new fresh pair for spring work.

Livy reading her scriptures for the first time.

Her new shirt modeled for grandma corn. She enjoyed being the center of attention in her class earlier too. I took rice krispie treats. Those were a new deal for me, but turned out being a good thing as some friends got to share them.

And Bruce got to enjoy one of Livy's presents from her teacher. He was so pleased that Livy shared the super mask. He has not taken it off for very long. Such a cutie.

My kids are growing up fast. They are literally growing like weeds, and changing so much. Livy has opened up like a flower in the past 4 months it has been a great relief to see her engage in life and school and become a very capable young lady. Her teacher told me recently she is no longer worried about her and to just keep practicing so she stays on grade level. I was almost in tears as I read that.
For some reason looking at my children's eyes has caught my attention today. They trust me so much. They are innocent and good, they are wise and happy. I'm thankful for their faith in Greg and I and I'm humbled to be entrusted with each one of them. They are unique and amazing. Life is good.