Thursday, February 20, 2020

2.20.20 A nod from Above

I put off going to the grocery store these days as I'm not so limber at chasing the little ones and they are at the wild stage. Or maybe I'm just getting old and slow and they are well aware of that. Nonetheless, we continue to eat through all desirable food in the house. The fridge was pretty empty and even the oatmeal bucket needed refilling. So We headed tot own with those who could be spared. Town was crazy busy with the Valentine's Day holiday shopping traffic. I had no idea it was such a busy shopping day. Yet we braved several big box stores all the while trying to keep everyone in sight, list in hand to check off needed items and to not run over or into any of our fellow shoppers. By this time I was frazzled and faint. 

 With the help of the Burger King App we have been able to afford some fun dates with our kids. This group usually misses out as they are left home. They enjoyed the addition of fries thanks to the app, I never order those as they are an unnecessary expense. As we munched away, my mom radar was calming down, but I was still a bit uneasy with all the random clientele around us. Of course two kiddos had to use the bathroom immediately! Thus I escorted them and left the others to their own smarts. I was a nervous wreck in the bathroom waiting, and waiting hoping no one took off with my lovely daughters left untended by a mean mom. Finally we were able to exit the bathroom to find them safe and still sitting in the same spot. RELIEF!
We headed to the library the hot spot for all my kids. Even that is getting less totally comfortable and there are times I'm on edge there too because of the varied people around.
Maybe it's too much Facebook, or news, or whatnot but the world is not as bright and shinny as it use to be. I worry about these lovely kiddos and try hard to keep them corralled, close, and hopefully safe.
So it was a pleasant surprise when some groceries showed up at my house yesterday. A very generous Costco run thanks to a very thoughtful dad. Thank you.  Maybe this was just a gentle nod that it's gonna be ok from someone upstairs who knew of the week before.

These little ones are precocious and incorrigible. They are busy and curious. Yet they are mine and I seek to keep them unfettered and free. 

Life is good and we are blessed and stocked up for a while. And I may just be changing my grocery running routine, I know Anna and Aliza love that responsible chore, even if they do sneak home things like Ramen noodles, gum, and chips. Things I never buy, but I guess that's part of growing up is making choices and honestly those aren't terrible consequences. I am blessed.

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