Wednesday, February 19, 2020

2.19.20 Perfect time

After a long quick Sunday I looked around our living room to see almost all of my children emersed in books. I had finished a intriguing read af ew hours before and was listing to Livy and Millie read their books. The other kids were in various phases and positions of reading their books. My heart positively sang with delight. 

 I had to be quick and sneaky to get pictures of these kids they don't like pictures.

And I was in the middle of a story with this lady who wasn't sure she could finish a bigger book.

Even the young ones enjoyed looking at stories and hearing them read aloud by others. I read a quote that said to inspire reading your home should look like a library exploded. I can confirm the one thing
 I pick up everyday off couches and floor is books. My grandmother was surprised when I guessed we had over a thousand books in our home. I love watching my kids meet age old characters that I have loved. It's delicious to watch them giggle over good stories I enjoyed at their age. One thing I did to prepare to be a mom is read as I grew up. 
They are interesting people, they know things that many of their peers do not simply because we read. It's part of our heritage and our home, and our Sunday rest and relaxation day. 

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