Tuesday, February 11, 2020

2.12.20 February Birthdays.

Our sweet Livy is 8. She had a good day relaxing at home and playing a lot. She was absolutely in heaven when Grandma Lasley called telling her she had a large present waiting for her. We made sure to get Grandma and the present to our house the next day so Livy didn't have to wait any longer. 

I made the cakes she and Mark love the Lemon Sunshine. Mark being the older much stronger brother managed to blow out the candles on both cakes before Livy had exhaled much more than a whisper. We re-lit the cakes to give her a turn.

My mom was very kind bringing a gift for this guy who wants every birthday to be his. He was super happy to get a present too.
 Livy with her new scriptures. She has been working hard to be able to read them on her own. She is at the point in which she can!! That is super exciting for her and me.

Mark goes through gloves because he is always working. He was delighted to get a new fresh pair for spring work.

Livy reading her scriptures for the first time.

Her new shirt modeled for grandma corn. She enjoyed being the center of attention in her class earlier too. I took rice krispie treats. Those were a new deal for me, but turned out being a good thing as some friends got to share them.

And Bruce got to enjoy one of Livy's presents from her teacher. He was so pleased that Livy shared the super mask. He has not taken it off for very long. Such a cutie.

My kids are growing up fast. They are literally growing like weeds, and changing so much. Livy has opened up like a flower in the past 4 months it has been a great relief to see her engage in life and school and become a very capable young lady. Her teacher told me recently she is no longer worried about her and to just keep practicing so she stays on grade level. I was almost in tears as I read that.
For some reason looking at my children's eyes has caught my attention today. They trust me so much. They are innocent and good, they are wise and happy. I'm thankful for their faith in Greg and I and I'm humbled to be entrusted with each one of them. They are unique and amazing. Life is good.

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