Thursday, February 13, 2020

2.13.20 Eyes to see

January is a LONG month. It's so easy to get discouraged the short hours of daylight, the grey skies, the monotony of computer work, the cold weather. Ugh. I get worried and convinced that I am failing at this motherhood thing, and if I had more disposable funds or energy I would have run away long ago. Yet I found these pictures on my phone today and my heart was lightened because these unlike many pictures posted here are not unusual. They are our habit. They are our norm. We gather together and wind up our day. For better or worse for noise or for silent readers, we sit close and fight over touching too much, the young ones are snuggled and wrestled. We discuss with rolling eyes and sighs points of information or doctrine. We draw parallels and deep breaths. 

My kids know some things and they guess at a lot. They are instructed and mostly they are loved. My mind keeps going back to the compliment our family is stable. This is why. We earnestly seek to follow the prophets and to learn about God.

The words echoed in my ears it doens't matter if the kids are dressed, if the house is clean, it matters that they come to know God and to feel His love and our love. I guess I had my own witness today that despite my shortcomings, and life looking much different than I envisioned the msot important parts are doing well. I told Greg I felt like I was failing, he asked me how? I told him the only good thing we had going was everyone is alive. And that in my mind covers their bodies, spirits, intellect, and dreams. It's a lot of work trying to keep everyone engaged and moving forward. But right now we have some momentum and some great helps and they are all growing. I get mired in the piles and piles of dishes, they get in trouble for not seeing the need to help. We all work to be kinder and less prone to anger. But all in all we are moving in a good direction. Life is good and we are blessed.

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