Sunday, February 2, 2020

2.2.20 Birthday and kids

Afton had her birthday this week. Bruce is at the age of wanting his birthday to happen at the same time as other kids. When we went to a cousin's party she also shared with her brother, so Bruce assumed this was the norm. Thus, we sang once to Afton and once to Bruce. He got to blow out the one candle on the other cake. He was happy, Afton didn't mind, as she got two chances to blow out candles because the first time they got snuffed out by the lighter. 

She and dad enjoying and thinking deeply about family scripture study. I agree sweet little bodies cuddled up next to you are one of the easiest ways to fall asleep.

Lia loves the makeup box. Here she was getting herself pretty for the day.

She gets so mad when I take it away I'm glad she doesn't try to apply the makeup to the correct areas. Cheeks are much safer than eyes. And Mark sporting a new long hair look. We were impressed with how grown up the comb over made him look.

I am blessed! Life is sweet with all these personalities swirling around. I truly feel helped in knowing them and working with them to help them grow and develop as they need. Sometimes I go absolutely crazy. A few weeks ago I looked around and almost hyperventilated wondering how I would possibly have the energy to parent them all until they were at least 18... that thought lasted a good 24 hours. We just keep chipping away at the day to day and opportunities, challenges, and life just keep happening. There are times of absolute confirmation of heavenly help, and other dark times of complete sadness at total lack of anything good. I read a quote a while ago that said it is impossible for anyone to life 1000 pounds alone but they can lift 1 pound 1000 times. So I keep working on the day to day and keeping to the course we decided when I was less stressed, physically challenged, etc. I am so grateful for those bright sunny days/times when the next step is very clear and we move that direction.

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