Monday, February 24, 2020

2.24.20 Get the Work done day

The days are unseasonably warm and sunny and we have a list as long as my arm of chores and repairs that need to be done to be ready for the growing season. Hence, not only Saturday but Fridays too, are the get the work done day. After a nice breakfast on Saturday meaning more variety and sustenance than the weekday oatmeal and eggs, Anna informed me our family had been asked to come help move parts from one store to another. We do business with this company and they do us a lot of good turns so I decided we really should rearranged plans and go give some man power to the project. We got dressed and out the door and on our way to Ontario. When we arrived they were surprised at the number of bodies but got us lined out on what needed to happen. We moved brake calipers, struts, and shocks. There are so many different models. 

We cleared both sides of those shelves. The hardest part was staying in order and not cutting or rushing to the front of the line. 

Then we took apart the shelves to be moved to the new store. 

Lia was asleep when we arrived but worke up about 45 minutes later and was ready to help. She was not big enough to carry the parts boxes but she was completely happy to move these boxes of gloves back and forth the kids were happy to run them back to the shelf for her to carry. She wants to be big and insists on being part of the action. 

While we could have just put parts in boxes the two men who were from the company headquarters kept reminding us it's easy to pack it's a nightmare to unpack if you haven't been careful. Thus one by one in order each part was stacked and packed. 

Until at the end a few boxes holding o rings, or large circle parts spilled and the girls volunteered to put it back in order. I thanked the adviser and the men for letting us help and apologized for the young ages. They said it was new but great to have so much help. On the way over Mark had been quizzing Anna on FFA questions. That's just how we roll right now. We all work together to get the jobs done. Sometimes it's frustrating, and sometimes its awesome. 

After a quick lunch of pizza and grapes we headed home to the waiting chores. Reed and John got back to burning the ditch line. Mark and Addie worked on rolling wire. Mark joined the burn crew around dusk and got into the action. 

 Greg and Harold began some of the pivot repair that has to happen. It was so much easier to change this gear box on the edge of the field where there was minimal carrying and no corn to scratch your face or make you sweat.

 We are so thankful for our strong kids who have so much know how. The older ones are generally tired at night and have confidence in their ability to tackle challenges. A few items were checked off the to do list today, thank goodness! It brings some peace when projects get done. The older kids headed to a stake activity that night where they had a surprisingly good time getting to know members of the opposite sex. The burn crew worked late as fire is illuminating, and the younger ones cleaned up and enjoyed being young and playing. After baths and scriptures we had "washed our hair and cleaned our clothes so we could be ready for Sunday."

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