Monday, February 10, 2020

2.10.20 Weekend Valentines

Sometimes it feels as though we coast through the week to be put into fast forward on the weekends. During those slow times I read a lot and found a cute idea for Valentine cards. It looked like an easy craft project something all could participate in and was a big improvement on the super capes we have been giving with a sucker for the last 4 years or so. I gathered the supplies but didn't review the directions before starting. Oops. Thus patient Addie traced 52 hearts and then the Livy and Millie began cutting them out. After trying to turn those into stickers I realized that was way above my desire level and thus we just put a square of tape on the cards. 

The hearts in the middle can you imagine trying to peel tape off those sweeties. Not fun without claws and lots of time.

Covering the table as we were about to paint up a storm.

Eagerly anticipating the project to being enough paintbrushes for all.

And finally applying paint. YAY! Not the most artistic but it's a throw away item looked at for 20 seconds or so. Probably just fine as is.

We did several colors. The tape covered the answer to the riddles printed on the cars. The paint is mixed with dish soap so it scrapes away like a scratch off.

Waiting for the paint to dry. Then we applied a second coat and waited for that paint to dry. in the end about 5 hours later 50 Valentines were ready to cut to add a sucker. That accomplished we stored them away only to be raided by a sneaky one year old who was super happy to find the stash! Now two days later we have some touch ups to do and more suckers to insert. Needless to say I didn't think this through long run. I heard wise counsel think through the end result of all your goal setting what will this goal do in the long run?
This project accomplished some family team work, it accomplished something to do on a windy February day, they are cute, the kids learned a bit about riddles, they feel successful for doing the multi-step process... I guess it's ok.
Happy love week.

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