Friday, February 7, 2020

2.7.20 Safely Gathered in

My favorite sale of the year happened last weekend. The one where I fill my big van with toilet paper and paper towels. I don't know exactly why I love this sale maybe it dates back tot he year my Livy was born and my husband surprised me with a Razzleberry pie, or maybe it's the competition for a cart and all the people I get to visit with while waiting in line with my cart piled high with my conquest (American abundance on display). Maybe its just the feeling of being a good provider by having the shelves full again in readiness for another year of necessity. Whatever the reason I really truly look forward to the first weekend of February to stock up. This year I took four kids. We got to the store and found lots of empty parking places, usually the lot is full. We secured three carts and began loading them up with TP. The kids and I lost count. we bought some cases of water for the when you need a drink for a field trip, and some Idaho spud bars a yummy treat from my past.
Round one was done. We paid and went to load the car. We returned to the store and piled the carts again with things like sugar, cases of oranges, butter,  chicken noodle soup, and some steak. It was an enjoyable time, the store wasn't super full and the checkers as always were super nice. We returned to our stuffed car and filled it some more.

When we got home the troops began hauling in load after load of groceries. I like that scene too of them seeing and feeling the bounty we enjoy. We stacked and piled and looked for more room for all the paper products. As I put it away I wondered is this necessary why the worry? But I quickly corrected I don't feel the need because I am prepared and this is my habit. A quark of mine I guess, yet growing up with a mini-grocery store in my basement was comforting. My friends were in awe when they saw it. I have sought to continue that practice  of security in my own home. Sometimes we run out of soup or steak and have to eat tuna fish or hamburger, but we never have truly run out! And I honestly only buy TP once a year. To prepared is to not fear. So whatever may come as long as I can go to buy next year we are literally covered for the year. 

Which is good because we all have high expectations this lady will also graduate not into these big brother boots, but to being a potty lady in the fall. In the meantime, she will continue to unroll, tear apart, and dunk rolls. But I think we have enough even for her curiosity. Life is good we are blessed with so many riches we can't count them all.

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