Monday, June 1, 2020

6.1.20 Memorial Day

This year the schedule was changed up a bit and we celebrated or commemorated memorial day on Sunday instead of Monday. The upside to this change was the men were part of the cemetery ritual. This was educational as my dad knew so many of the people in the cemetery. It was interesting to walk through the rows and rows of deceased people and hear him share remembrances. Most thought provoking was when we almost literally stumbled upon a classmate of his from 8th grade who had committed suicide. Standing there with my recently 8th grade graduate and thinking how sad to feel so hopeless to end life at that age. A few rows up was a classmate of my mother's who also chose suicide. Again pondering on the very recent graduation of my daughter I thought how terrible that would have been. We moved on and wound our way to the one grave we all dread and yet work toward my nephew David. This year grandma brought bubbles for the kids. 

This is not a spot of many tears anymore, well at least not in the large group. The kids know he is there and they look forward to seeing his tractor. They speak with confidence and awe of him being with Jesus. It is a sacred spot and one that jerks parents back to vigilance and gratitude for the hard work of raising kids.
I love the time to think on people who touched my life. People who for moments or a lifetime, made an impact on my life. Sometimes I try to explain who they are to my kids and sometimes it's too hard to explain, or they are too busy enjoying the variety of flowers, decorations, art on stones, or just the freedom of lots of grass and cousins.
As usual the flowers were magnificent. One of the lasting thoughts of my grandmother is her collection of perennial flowers that delight year after year. I remember wisps of conversations had while dead heading, or on quiet evenings playing in her yard, or times spent walking that same cemetery with her placing her simple yet artful displays on people she loved and respected.

Afton was intent sharing bubbles with Grandpa Lasley. He would have smiled with delight to be remembered and included. Afton is sensitive that way she loves people and she makes sure they know she loves them. Children are so good at sharing love. I am fortunate to have them for so many years at this sweet age.

After a peaceful stroll through history we had a lovely BBQ at my brothers and made some new memories and soaked in the blessing of being a family of good cooks who are walking together through life. Family is good.
There is beauty all around. One of the interesting parts of the quarantine or lock-down or rules enforcing social distance is the opportunity we have had and the continual return to our family history. For a myriad of reasons and situations fore bearers have been brought up and discussed in family meetings and Sunday church. It's been good to hear of their strength and unique life adventures. It's been calming to think they may be concerned and helping us along on our journey. I'm so thankful for time to think to be led and to learn as needed. Life is good and this although very different was a nice change.

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