Thursday, January 21, 2021

1.21.21 Bows

I have shared a few pictures over the years of my guys small pastime of archery. We are blessed to know a true craftsman who instructed the boys in making custom bows. That was a priceless experience. The boys were beautiful and awesome. However these guys grew, and their muscles continue to increase, and those bows snapped like twigs. Literally. So sad and though the bows were increased to the maximum of their ability they were still snapping like twigs.

Sharing with Grandma and Grandpa Saunders after church one Sunday this summer. 

This week I woke to a very happy Bruce. The same kind friend had made a bow for Bruce to practice with, with Harold's help. He had also fashioned or shared a much more sturdy fiberglass bow with Harold. Bruce called Harold and asked him to come home to shoot. He did not make it that day but the next day they had a ball shooting bows and arrows. 

We are continually blessed by generous friends. Another gave us some of her dress up supplies that her kids have just matured out of. Delight! Can you see the excitement on their faces?
We are thankful for those who share their happiness and life passions with us. These are golden moments. Families are made up of moments some are terrible, some are just glorious. we hold onto the good, learn from the others. We are so blessed. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

1.20.21 Family life

We go back and forth on whether or not we should buy a smart TV. It would be nice to show clips or spread out to watch movies. But there is just something touching about all my kids close together sharing a moment. I tell them you will never be totally alone in this life, you have siblings I think times like these form bonds that last forever. 
So do these. Merle- Man is getting big and strong enough to begin playing with Bruce. Let the fun begin. A first shoulder ride thanks to Marks' steadying influence. You can see Merle knows this is a risky ride. Bruce was so proud. 

Playing playdoh and having lunch in the other room. Sometimes on these all inside winter days you just have to do something different. 

Our favorite meal is spaghetti. Great big pots of spaghetti. Sometimes it's worth it just to have no complaints about dinner. This is not my favorite meal, but I love peace it brings. We had this and pancakes one night this week just because I knew no one would complain. That is rare. 

Funny guys. It's so interesting with the oldest daughter gone and our numbers at 6 boys-6girls at home, where the older boys are the majority our home has become heavily male. Swords and broken things littler our days. They are funny, the discussions are more farming, autos and tractors, tools, and a lot more teasing. 

One night the crew did a major bicycle repair. Flat tires were replaced, more goo was put in new tires. Training wheels were installed. IT was good. Then it snowed and was yucky. Then it was sunny, then more blah, then sun. 

School. Eternal school. The highlight of the week was new markers in new colors for our daily math drills. Oh how I depend on those personal whiteboards. I'm pleased with how the kids are progressing. 
After an intense week of Physics she made the sacrifice of time and assignments turned in to go to mutual to sing. She is lovely when she rises from the computer station and is part of the rest of the world for a few minutes at a time. I pleased at her fortitude after being so overwhelmed or discouraged with the foreign concepts of Physics she dug deep and learned how to pass the class. She spent hundreds of hours maybe even a thousand, truly many many hours taking notes working problems watching and re-watching the class. But in the end she passed and her grit and brain were successful. On to the next project. 
I am so thankful this one has small problems and expectations. Pay attention, love me, feed me, give me drinks of watah. She's a sweet different level at our house. 

 Here we go back to school for some, we shall see how that affects our life and what the new political climate does to effect this has on our life. We will continue working to improve, to learn, and love. Life is good. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

1.19.21 College bound

I have few pictures of the whole drop off, end of my full nest life. I was working to be in the moment yet not too much in the moment for fear of just crying and refusing to let it happen. Motherhood is always such a ying and yang. Good and bad all together in one. Awesome so excited she is going to school and doing so well. So sad to not be here and part of our dynamic, yet still a big part of our life just far away though close through face time. 
The last meal. A gracious abundant feast at five guys thanks to Greg. After we had toured campus and unload all her stuff. 
The campus tour that gave Harold a taste of college experience vs. high school and what he wants to do and what he is willing to do education wise. 
This is the welding shop looking at their collection of tools and machines. It was all good until we met the professor who eschewed dirty work... which after two weeks I'm glad he explained so we could adjust plans accordingly.

I'm thankful Anna has family nearby. Especially when she told me after this quick encounter how great it was to have a hug. I remember those feelings, and I'm thankful for all my answered prayers in her behalf. They come from so many different places but I really appreciate my brother & sister in-law making time and effort to stop and check-in. Friendly faces mean the world when you are living in a new land of friendly strangers.

Anna chose to stay close to campus on her first long weekend break. I was proud of her resolve and thankful she also chose to go visit family with some younger kiddos. After living an entire life with small children around it is pretty lonely to not get snuggled and loved by little kind bodies. Thus this picture is especially tender because this cousin has really taken to his friend Anna. 
Life rolls on and we are thankful for this oldest daughter. For her brave, her resolve, her testimony, and her grit. She is doing so well and is kind to share her journey with us. We are also grateful for a large family who also loves her and shares their space and heart with her. We are blessed. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

1.18.21 Helping Hands

We got a text while at church asking if we had a way to move a fifth wheel trailer. I checked with Greg he wasn't sure but he began searching. When I got home from church, after extra meetings, he had a plan and invited me to join him. I obliged and off we went with Muscle man Mark in tow. We headed to our has everything friend, he has moved this particular piece of his collection to his new home. No luck. We headed to the next spot and secured the pieces we needed. At our shop with his vast collection of tools the guys were able to modify and install the needed plate and stand. 
Greg had smashed his fingers in a car door earlier this week so bolts and nuts are a bit hard, no worries though my sons are completely able. I look at the piles of stuff and see them lying on the ground and think no way. They don't say anything they just get it done. I really admire that about my husband and appreciate it in my sons. They are completely capable. Given some time and the right parts they can make almost anything happen. 

My heart was so happy in this moment. Knowing that the diligence and patience of my husband is preparing more guys for the world who will be able to help those in need. That is quite a skill. To know how and to be willing to help others. 

Success! I'm pretty sure we were only a few minutes, like ten off, when we had said the move would be complete. 
Earlier in the day I had challenged the primary children to look for ways they could be Jesus Christ's hands finding ways to help others. I was thankful to literally watch my sons use their hands to help someone in need. With Greg's hand hurt he instructs and does what he can but mostly it's our sons doing the tightening, twisting, and tuning of projects right now. That is good. It is so important and a key ingredient to growing up- to being needed. Truly needed and responsible. 
A lesson we are learning as parents is how much time it takes to train the older kids. Greg works with two all day and then comes home and works with two more at night or in-between with me interspersed with all of them. We are constantly seeking ways, opportunities, patience, and time to teach these kiddos skills to make them more capable. Yet, this is our main priority and goal for our family is that each kid can be independent, contributors, caring about others, and smart. A lot of that takes work. And to teach work we have to do work. With so many needing those lessons it takes a lot of work. 
But experiences like these and so many others gives me peace of mind and confidence our goals are being met. Life is good.  

Sunday, January 17, 2021

1.18.21 Merle-Man

With all the time on screens I bought some blue light glasses to help protect their eyes and brains. Of course everyone here had to take a turn. In our continual effort to document Merle-Man's babyhood we had to snap some pictures of him looking adorable. 

He is the most adored kid around. Seriously so many doting older siblings. I am finding the longer Anna is gone just how much she held and cuddled him. He misses her quite presence, he trusted her to be gentle and patient with him. These younger ones are pretty good but not so patient. However with each passing day he gets bigger and more interested in playing and being in the mix of adventure. We are sure thankful for the diversity he brings to out family. 

MY oldest two all grown up ready to fly. This was our farewell to Anna dinner hosted by my parents. 
Ugh, what a terrible phrase to write. Nonetheless a necessary step to take. She is doing so well and has opened the gate and now Harold and Aliza are also rushing to get out and on with their lives. Which is good, I'm pretty sure I told them for years they were not welcome to live here for their entire life so they better figure out places to be. 

My parents are always good for some canned whip cream. The kids love it and it's a fun treat. They also got to play a round or three of 2020 political chess. A fun version of time loved classic. 

It's such an interesting heart break and heart warming to see them grow and become. For now our hands are still full of lots of little ones still refusing to go to bed, who need lots of reminders and clean-ups and are happy to just cuddle. Life is good. 

Friday, January 8, 2021

1.8.21 Farm work

I'm thankful for the time we have to work together and that there is so much work to go around. In the work is the reward. The skills, the self-esteem, the motivation to become. We had a day working together at the shop. The guys began resurfacing the ripper shanks. 

The girls cleaned and organized the tool room. We have an abundant collection of wrenches. 

John took a turn too. He and Mark spent a few nights with boy scouts learning the very basic ideas of welding. Thus they are working on resurfacing ripper shanks. 

The mechanic project for this year is replacing a seal on the engine. First step cleaning all the harvest debris off the combine. Not to mention it was a beautiful scene. 

Reed was so delighted to find his chickens lay colored eggs. The green eggs are not appetizing to me but they were exciting to him. 

This guy is so capable. We are on a countdown until this guy goes on a mission that makes us very worried about our lifestyle and the obvious seperation that will occur. 

The next group waiting in the wings is quickly getting bigger and more capable as the seasons change. I love watching them grow and become who they are and discovering new talents and skills that will further change the dynamic of our home. 

The farm life is hard and dirty but offers lots of room to roam and discover. I'm thankful for the time afforded by the pandemic to grow at our own pace on our own schedule. I'm grateful for all the need that stretches each of us in ways that are important and strengthening. Life is good and we are blessed. 


Thursday, January 7, 2021

1.7.21 Big and Small moments

When school is in session I have very little time to use the computer thus I am very behind in blogging and recording our family life. But this picture has been waiting and is very important. John is in high school and had the opportunity to play football this fall. Well be on the team and practice there were no games, but it was such a building experience. They were not sad to have a happy large guy to show up at practice. While John has a lot to learn he really enjoyed the experience. Notice all the bounty behind him, grapes for juice, freshly dug potatoes, the last tomatoes of the season, squashes of all varieties. We are missing all that freshness, yet enjoying jar after jar of preserved food. 
                    John also took his drivers test. He drove us home from that outing. He passed!

Reed was the turkey at activity days. The other kids had to catch him to get the candy. Reed is pretty fast and agile this was not an easy turkey to catch!

Masks just keep going, so Addie ordered deluxe masks from Aunt Shawna. These fit so nicely and are pretty comfortable. 
A typical day at my utility table. We eat, learn, visit, and live at this table. 
A fun activity we enjoyed this winter has been note writing. We were gifted some unique stationary and thus took the time to send lots of letters to our cousins and some friends. 

About 20 letters ready to go in the mailbox. We used over 3 books of stamps, but the joy that was reported in being remembered and the delight of receiving notes back was worth the effort and cost. 

Lotsa letters!

My tall family! I love these kiddos. 

Aliza spends so much time on the computer. I invested in bluelight glasses for her and the other kids. She looks so smart. 

The younger crew and their dad. 

Aliza and her posse getting ready for bed. Brushing teeth, stretching, and rubbing feet. They love her.