Monday, January 18, 2021

1.18.21 Helping Hands

We got a text while at church asking if we had a way to move a fifth wheel trailer. I checked with Greg he wasn't sure but he began searching. When I got home from church, after extra meetings, he had a plan and invited me to join him. I obliged and off we went with Muscle man Mark in tow. We headed to our has everything friend, he has moved this particular piece of his collection to his new home. No luck. We headed to the next spot and secured the pieces we needed. At our shop with his vast collection of tools the guys were able to modify and install the needed plate and stand. 
Greg had smashed his fingers in a car door earlier this week so bolts and nuts are a bit hard, no worries though my sons are completely able. I look at the piles of stuff and see them lying on the ground and think no way. They don't say anything they just get it done. I really admire that about my husband and appreciate it in my sons. They are completely capable. Given some time and the right parts they can make almost anything happen. 

My heart was so happy in this moment. Knowing that the diligence and patience of my husband is preparing more guys for the world who will be able to help those in need. That is quite a skill. To know how and to be willing to help others. 

Success! I'm pretty sure we were only a few minutes, like ten off, when we had said the move would be complete. 
Earlier in the day I had challenged the primary children to look for ways they could be Jesus Christ's hands finding ways to help others. I was thankful to literally watch my sons use their hands to help someone in need. With Greg's hand hurt he instructs and does what he can but mostly it's our sons doing the tightening, twisting, and tuning of projects right now. That is good. It is so important and a key ingredient to growing up- to being needed. Truly needed and responsible. 
A lesson we are learning as parents is how much time it takes to train the older kids. Greg works with two all day and then comes home and works with two more at night or in-between with me interspersed with all of them. We are constantly seeking ways, opportunities, patience, and time to teach these kiddos skills to make them more capable. Yet, this is our main priority and goal for our family is that each kid can be independent, contributors, caring about others, and smart. A lot of that takes work. And to teach work we have to do work. With so many needing those lessons it takes a lot of work. 
But experiences like these and so many others gives me peace of mind and confidence our goals are being met. Life is good.  

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