Friday, January 8, 2021

1.8.21 Farm work

I'm thankful for the time we have to work together and that there is so much work to go around. In the work is the reward. The skills, the self-esteem, the motivation to become. We had a day working together at the shop. The guys began resurfacing the ripper shanks. 

The girls cleaned and organized the tool room. We have an abundant collection of wrenches. 

John took a turn too. He and Mark spent a few nights with boy scouts learning the very basic ideas of welding. Thus they are working on resurfacing ripper shanks. 

The mechanic project for this year is replacing a seal on the engine. First step cleaning all the harvest debris off the combine. Not to mention it was a beautiful scene. 

Reed was so delighted to find his chickens lay colored eggs. The green eggs are not appetizing to me but they were exciting to him. 

This guy is so capable. We are on a countdown until this guy goes on a mission that makes us very worried about our lifestyle and the obvious seperation that will occur. 

The next group waiting in the wings is quickly getting bigger and more capable as the seasons change. I love watching them grow and become who they are and discovering new talents and skills that will further change the dynamic of our home. 

The farm life is hard and dirty but offers lots of room to roam and discover. I'm thankful for the time afforded by the pandemic to grow at our own pace on our own schedule. I'm grateful for all the need that stretches each of us in ways that are important and strengthening. Life is good and we are blessed. 


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