Thursday, January 7, 2021

1.7.21 Big and Small moments

When school is in session I have very little time to use the computer thus I am very behind in blogging and recording our family life. But this picture has been waiting and is very important. John is in high school and had the opportunity to play football this fall. Well be on the team and practice there were no games, but it was such a building experience. They were not sad to have a happy large guy to show up at practice. While John has a lot to learn he really enjoyed the experience. Notice all the bounty behind him, grapes for juice, freshly dug potatoes, the last tomatoes of the season, squashes of all varieties. We are missing all that freshness, yet enjoying jar after jar of preserved food. 
                    John also took his drivers test. He drove us home from that outing. He passed!

Reed was the turkey at activity days. The other kids had to catch him to get the candy. Reed is pretty fast and agile this was not an easy turkey to catch!

Masks just keep going, so Addie ordered deluxe masks from Aunt Shawna. These fit so nicely and are pretty comfortable. 
A typical day at my utility table. We eat, learn, visit, and live at this table. 
A fun activity we enjoyed this winter has been note writing. We were gifted some unique stationary and thus took the time to send lots of letters to our cousins and some friends. 

About 20 letters ready to go in the mailbox. We used over 3 books of stamps, but the joy that was reported in being remembered and the delight of receiving notes back was worth the effort and cost. 

Lotsa letters!

My tall family! I love these kiddos. 

Aliza spends so much time on the computer. I invested in bluelight glasses for her and the other kids. She looks so smart. 

The younger crew and their dad. 

Aliza and her posse getting ready for bed. Brushing teeth, stretching, and rubbing feet. They love her. 


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