Monday, January 4, 2021

1.4.20 The Holy City

There are so many moments, that I'm thankful for the nudges from the Holy Spirit to pay attention. This was one. Lloyd playing the piano, Karadyn on violin, Uncle Richard who is a beautiful tenor, Aliza on harmony, and Grandma Sue on Alto singing the Holy City. A favorite song of grandpa Harold, who would sing it often accompanied by his wife Doris. 

 I was downstairs working on dishes when I heard the familiar notes to this challenging song. I figured I should take a picture just to have a record. When I got upstairs in position and stopped to listen I was overcome with the beauty of the performance and the love in the room. Maybe it was a thin moment between earth and heaven, maybe it was the strength of generations and talents, whatever it was it was overpowering. I choked up and felt tears beginning to come. Sue was also touched and tearing up. We are truly blessed by others talents and gifts. It is rare I hear Aliza sing anymore, I wish with all my heart she had more opportunity to do so. I'm thankful Karadyn brought her violin to the farm and then as she was packing to go home offered to play for us. I'm thankful for written music that allows for consistent performances through the ages. Life is good. 

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