Saturday, January 2, 2021

1.2.21 Turkey Trot and Thanksgiving

For years the Corn family supported the TVCC turkey trot. In 2020, of course, the trot was cancelled. Thus a kind sister/aunt organized a family trot on the family farm. This was an event to anticipate. All month the kids worked each day training. They walked between 1 and 3 miles a day to be ready. Each week we had a goal to walk 100 miles, with everyone living here contributing. Addie of course spearheaded the effort marking and calling for miles from each member of the family daily. The kids did so well and truly enjoyed the time outside. I was thankful the weather stayed pleasant for so much of the month. 
Afton is on her home stretch here complete with hot cocoa in hand. My sister Rachel and daughter Becca were moseying along with us. 

Due to his Plantar Fasciitis really being in full pain mode Greg opted to be the driver of relief after the first mile. 

The halfway point hot chocolate station. Such a cute idea and a fun break in all the strenuous exertions. Cousin Natalie was a smiling helper making sure everyone knew where the water was vs. the hot chocolate and making sure to point out the large bowl of marshmallows. The kids had lots of marshmallows. 

After the walk/run we had breakfast burritoes. Addie and I had prepared them the night before while watching a hallmark movie. We had a good time and figured out how to prepare them en masse. 

Although this was an illegal gathering we are very thankful local enforcement was reasonable. We waved as one drove by. I'm thankful that cooler heads prevailed and we were able to enjoy what I hope becomes a new tradition. 

Addie was the first one back to the starting line, though challenged a bit by her healthy aunts. I'm sure impressed with her drive and determination! 

Custom medals made by my amazing brother in-law. 3-D printed turkeys.

A load of fun and good times. 

My grandfather had an eye for these old wagons, this one was so well put together it was no trouble for the fourwheeler to pull. Of course after all the walking and eating the kids needed a ride too. 

Some of the kids just rode on the smaller wagon. I did stop this but Merle-man was having a great time via Reed's tired leg muscles. He was 4th in finishing. He was sore for a few days after. 

1st Addie, 2nd Ruth, 3rd Mary.

After all the exertion we joined Thanksgiving celebrations with Greg's family. They are a little more prone to pausing for pictures. 

We enjoyed pie!

Millie and Megan playing Uno. 

We are so fortunate to have so much family. Heading into the bleak January and February we truly miss all the activities and fun times we shared in December and November. We are grateful to have so much and so many opportunities throughout each year. Life is good. 

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