Wednesday, January 20, 2021

1.20.21 Family life

We go back and forth on whether or not we should buy a smart TV. It would be nice to show clips or spread out to watch movies. But there is just something touching about all my kids close together sharing a moment. I tell them you will never be totally alone in this life, you have siblings I think times like these form bonds that last forever. 
So do these. Merle- Man is getting big and strong enough to begin playing with Bruce. Let the fun begin. A first shoulder ride thanks to Marks' steadying influence. You can see Merle knows this is a risky ride. Bruce was so proud. 

Playing playdoh and having lunch in the other room. Sometimes on these all inside winter days you just have to do something different. 

Our favorite meal is spaghetti. Great big pots of spaghetti. Sometimes it's worth it just to have no complaints about dinner. This is not my favorite meal, but I love peace it brings. We had this and pancakes one night this week just because I knew no one would complain. That is rare. 

Funny guys. It's so interesting with the oldest daughter gone and our numbers at 6 boys-6girls at home, where the older boys are the majority our home has become heavily male. Swords and broken things littler our days. They are funny, the discussions are more farming, autos and tractors, tools, and a lot more teasing. 

One night the crew did a major bicycle repair. Flat tires were replaced, more goo was put in new tires. Training wheels were installed. IT was good. Then it snowed and was yucky. Then it was sunny, then more blah, then sun. 

School. Eternal school. The highlight of the week was new markers in new colors for our daily math drills. Oh how I depend on those personal whiteboards. I'm pleased with how the kids are progressing. 
After an intense week of Physics she made the sacrifice of time and assignments turned in to go to mutual to sing. She is lovely when she rises from the computer station and is part of the rest of the world for a few minutes at a time. I pleased at her fortitude after being so overwhelmed or discouraged with the foreign concepts of Physics she dug deep and learned how to pass the class. She spent hundreds of hours maybe even a thousand, truly many many hours taking notes working problems watching and re-watching the class. But in the end she passed and her grit and brain were successful. On to the next project. 
I am so thankful this one has small problems and expectations. Pay attention, love me, feed me, give me drinks of watah. She's a sweet different level at our house. 

 Here we go back to school for some, we shall see how that affects our life and what the new political climate does to effect this has on our life. We will continue working to improve, to learn, and love. Life is good. 

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