Sunday, January 3, 2021

1.3.21 Christmas

Christmas is a month long celebration at our house. We spend as much time as possible baking, singing, and delivering food gifts to friends and neighbors. Usually I'm standing at the van sliding door encouraging everyone to unload and proceed to door. However I took a rare exception to take a picture of the troops preparing to sing. 

In the midst of all the holiday preparations, the older five kids had their wisdom teeth extracted. Thus I had a rare few moments with my big guys to help me shop at the grocery warehouse!

We had time with lots of cousins. They mostly love babies. I love this heritage. Babies are fun, sweet additions made doubly so by all the adoring people who welcome them. 

Christmas breakfast, Deviled eggs, apple or berry turnovers, homemade eggnog, hot chocolate, sausage links and love. We use china. There are no more important people in my life than my family. Thus ion this special day celebrating Christ's birth we use china. 

No pictures of presents I was so overcome with my new set of pots and pans, but after opening them the kids played with some. A money game while wearing new pajamas and a crown. 

The farming game while building lego cars. 

The new incubator. Reed and Mark want to hatch 100 chickens for our flock??!

Some uncles came home and were willing to help Addie with a new hairstyle. 

More farming game, trying to make the most money!

A few movies. 

Time with more cousins, and grandparents. 

Helping make breakfast. 

Resting after wisdom teeth surgery. They all did so well, I was very impressed with the Dr and his staff. 

Some festive centerpieces made by my graceful daughters Addie and Aliza. 

A new shirt and tie in time for the Rogue Christmas dance. 

Another new Christmas dress. 

Enjoying an early cousin visit. Thomas and Reed. These two are very similar in determination, and maturity. Anna said Thomas has great cow sense. he is always up for working and playing. He doesn't complain and he doesn't give up. 

Bruce has really come into playing with cousins. This family has mostly boys. Hans and his younger brother Ephriam, not pictured, played and explored the farm with Bruce. 

Mary and Millie are closest in age. they had a great time! 

The girls showing their new winter pictures from art lessons in December.

 I am very tired by Christmas afternoon, but I am thankful for all the memories we make and all the time we share together. I'm sugared out and need a lot of exercise and self-discipline to reclaim the jeans that became snug from all the baking. but the important traditions and activities happened. I did love a lot of it, I loved learning with my children, and having time to do what needed to be done. Life is good. 

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