Thursday, August 26, 2021

8.26.21 Talents

I got some pictures of sheet music and then the message Elder Saunders was working with a former leader of the tabernacle choir. I was surprised but hopeful he would use that strong voice of his for good! 
He of course met the man and got a picture. Harold has a real knack for meeting people and talking to them. Later he shared they had a devotional with Elder Bednar, who later came to their district and interviewed each of them about what they had felt or learned. Again Harold seeks to know others. He's doing well the light is showing in his eyes. He says he's lost 9 pounds and requests snacks. I'm thankful he gets this experience. It's interesting to watch. I'm thankful for the flow of communication. 

With the kids back in school I'm taking some time for me. Livy and I go on walks or have for a few days. We headed up to the bubblers to clean them one morning. She of course observed curious treasures. It feels good to breathe easier and take some time to focus more individually on my kids.

One of the hardest parts of leaving their school was the lack of rewards for reading. Of course that didn't stop them but man are they ready to reap some big hauls! This is a smattering of the books Reed read this summer. Oh my heart be still! He did a lot of reading. The Louis L'Amour stack would be about 3 times this size. 

 Addie taught them how to access the site from home and so he and Millie spent an hour taking test on all the books the remembered reading! I'm so pleased with their desire to read. Even Merle sits with books. We are so fortunate to have so many books in our home and libraries so easy to access. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

8.24.21 Opportunities and harvest

Event though school started work goes on. Anna has the opportunity to learn some new skills driving truck for some friends. One of the new learning challenges is operating heavy equipment like this to load her truck. I love how she's not afraid to learn and thus has many diverse skills!
Dinners are easy right now a mix of what's to be found in the garden. Reed still is the number one finder. Though he was pretty tied up with the other 300 acres this year he still finds great joy in harvesting edible food for dinner. 

And to add to the stress and hustle of the day before school we did some corn. I have no idea how many bags everything was rush rush that day. These troopers sit and shuck and shuck until all the corn is bare. The cows in the background are all too happy to see the red bags of corn waiting for their favorite parts the husks and silks. 
    So we keep squeezing the most out of each day and falling into bed very tired. Everyone has shifted positions and are learning new roles and responsibilities. We had our first melt down this morning over sweet enough whipped cream. But we got it settled and the day moved on. It's definitely different trying to figure out babysitters and keeping things moving here which mostly means holding lonely little people. But all in all life is pretty normal. We are blessed.
    A quick note for me. I've been reading, following, studying, and weighing the vaccine and if it's safe, necessary, and or appropriate for my family members. The missionaries have to get it or stay home. The others I was so unsure. I've seen or heard friends and family members get the disease and not wanted to experience the long journey of sickness the endured. Thus yesterday while we were visiting Mark's doctors we happened to ask the question at the infectious disease doctor office. She spent over half an hour drawing us pictures, teaching us the science of how m-RNA works, and what she is seeing in her work treating sick COVID kids. She talked about risks and reactions. She explained more of the miracles of life that God set in motion that are just truly awesome.  It was fascinating.

     More importantly just like the back to school night, sitting across from her looking her straight in the eye, trusting her from all the visits in the past and her colleagues high praises of her throughout our hospital stay I trust her. I have experienced her work. She was not pushy or forceful, she was upfront and knowledgeable. She related what she knew and how the virus is progressing. My take away was get the vaccine it prevents the worst stuff that gets you in the hospital. After our lengthy stay with Mark the last place I want to be is with any of my family back there. Although I remain humbled and eternally grateful for the work they do and are able to do. But even they shared their frustration and weariness at not being able to save all or correct every problem they see. Sometimes modern medicine is just not enough.  
    I believe in the other vaccines, we have been spared so much suffering, inconvenience and even death. That was very common in the past. Large families were the norm but few or a lot less survived into adulthood. I cannot fathom loosing family members in quick succession to disease. I'm thankful that's not my reality. 
    So with study and faith in my heart that it will be ok and we will be blessed for our desire to do what the prophet has repeatedly urged us to do Mark and I went and got the shot. It was eye opening to watch and listen to the various customers as we waited. We enjoyed ice cream treats as we waited to see if we had an adverse reaction. Mark is brave and strong. I'm trying to teach my kids to be faithful and to be safe. My arm hurts today and Merle loves to be on that side of me. Onward we go. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

8.21.21 First Day

We started school. The kids were various levels of excited as shown by their faces. It was a last minute decision I was thinking we would homeschool again and we may end up there again but for the moment the kids are in school. They came home very tired yet excited or comfortable with the days events. 
When I was really wrestling with the decision I finally resolved to go to the school and see how I felt there. I felt really good looking in the teachers eyes feeling of their warmth and geniune desire to nurture my kids calmed my heart. The spirit whispered to me that it would be ok. So I'm trusting in that prompting and for now this is the direction we are going. 
After getting everyone settled and shown to their classrooms I was in time to see something I had never witnessed. The daily raising of the flag. The teacher whisteled and called all the kids to attnetion. They all stopped and were quiet. Many took off their hats and stood at attention. The boys worked to raise the flag carefully and respectfully. I was awed. Again my choice to send the kids was reaffirmed this is a good place for them to go. The flag was raised to the top of the poll and the kids resumed their activities they pledge it when lined up to go inside. 

Later in the day I got these pictures taken by an industrious 3rd grader. 

I spied this picture of my high school kids. Aliza and Mark on his first day. I was worried about him all day. It's kinda weird after spending so much time protecting him to send him away. He of course did just fine. 
Here at home Livy worked on school with breaks to do jobs. It's now our job to clean the bubblers and keep an eye on things. Bruce found a feather. The younger kids are so so noisy!!! Livy has a very curious and observant mind so small tasks like these are dreamlands of noticing all living and dead things. I try to be patient and realize this is just her way. She did well being the big kid at home. I've asked her repeatedly if she wants to go to school she says no. So we will do this for now. 
And I got this picture from my Elder from the MTC. His district decided to buy new matching shirts. He loves to shop so I wasn't surprised. I'd been wondering where to get a shirt like that? He's my big guy for sure. I'm thankful for all the pictures he sends. 

 He sent this picture too. How thankful I am for temple. We made great effort to get him there weekly before he left. He was able to go first thing when he got to the MTC. As a tender mercy the great cousin we had introduced him to right before entering the MTC was in the temple. Harold was able to see him and do a quick bit of work together. I know this was not a coincidence and was a blessing of a tender God reassuring him he is being watched over and he has a great legacy to draw from. 

I know that God watches over us and gives us boost just in the nick of time. I'm thankful for the impressions I receive when my mind is in fever pitch with worry and questions. I'm hopeful for new experiences and lots of growth. I try to be peaceful, mindful, and positive with my kids. I studied the need for opposition for two days and really thing moving them back to school changes the opposition from pushing against mom all the time to pushing against outside forces. So we shall see how it goes. 
No matter what I know we are blessed even when life is extremely hard and dark, we are blessed. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

8.20.21 Family Picture Outtakes

Knowing our days were numbered and we would not be all together for a very longtime we sought to take some pictures. Addie and I found some shirts that would work and were affordably priced. We asked Uncle Bryce to come try out his new camera. We figured the kids would be comfortable with him so would give normal good faces. 

Grandma and Granpa joined us to visit in the mosquito feast. Actually it wasn't too bad. 
the kids always love playing together. 

John helped a friend move and was given this saw as a reward. I'm not sure why he likes it so, but he has always loved weaponry of any kind so I guess that's why he was so adamant to have it in all his pictures. 

these two go rounds like cats and dogs but ultimately are best friends. Oh they are a pair. 

Merle and Myla are two weeks apart and good friends. Merle likes to give her hugs. She lets him for a while. 

Now to sort through all the pictures. We are blessed and we are thankful to for the time we had and the next chapters that are unfolding. Life is good. 


Thursday, August 19, 2021

8.19.21 The MTC dropoff

The day finally came. We headed to Utah on Tuesday arriving in time to share dinner with Uncle Matt in Ogden, then moving down to Southern Central Utah to stay with Uncle Richard and Aunt Deanne. Merle was so happy to play with little kids. He was sorely missing his siblings and was overjoyed that their youngest daughter was awake to play with him. After a short visit we went to bed and he slept willingly and peacefully which was a huge blessing. The next morning Harold donned his special entering the MTC tie given so generously by Uncle Justin. It's the same tie  he wore when he entered the MTC many years ago. So thoughtful of him to make a connection with Harold. 
After breakfast we hurried to Aunt Natalie's to look around, then proceeded to Janice Kapp Perry's for a great visit. It was fun to hear her stories and spend time with her in her home. Harold enjoyed the time listening and visiting. I was kept busy chasing Merle around and keeping him out of the dog food and water.

We moved on to Gary and Joy Saunders Lundberg's house for lunch. they had graciously ordered Porthouse subs for us. They were so delicious. But even better was the stories and sweet spirit of love and faith that pervades their home. They have assorted family heirlooms that are special mostly because they were their parents. I spent time there watching and diverting small hands from the little trinkets and away from the precarious tables. 

Yet even with the tending, Joy and Gary took special notice and effort to visit with each of us. Each of these families has had unique and notable lives. They work together with their spouses to encourage and uplift. It is an honor to spend time with them. I love listening to their stories wehre they chose faith and were supported through their trials. 

We left just in time to be a bit early to the drop off. When we got to the gate they did not have Harold's name on the list. After more searching and another attendant his name was found and we pulled up to the drop point. The bags were unloaded and shared with another elder to walk Harold in the door. I gave Harold a big hug, he didn't hug back of course embarrassed in public, though we were the only ones there dropping off a missionary. A lady took two pictures and we walked away. I cried some I'd been crying before. Happy Miserable Joy. The thought of being apart for two years is just awful. The thrill of his choice to go and learn and serve for two years is hearts bursting with pride. 
We hurried to leave Provo knowing lots of traffic was ahead. My sister had suggested a certain ice cream shop which I spied on our rush out of town. We quickly crossed traffic lanes and Greg went to buy ice cream. He got five scoops! Merle was asleep it was just us eating ice cream in the rain as we drove. It was good! 

We decided to do something totally uncharacteristic and detoured to see the rockets Uncle Matt makes at ATK in Tremonton. They were stunning to see close up. We were thankful for the decision. It was truly awesome to see the size and a narrow scope of the American air power in one location.

A few miles away is the golden spike monument. The railroad beds are very close to this. The monument was closed. 

Merle man was thrilled to be out of the care. Being born during COVID he hasn't rode in a car seat very often. This marathon session of 18 plus hours in the car was rough on him. Thankfully he only cried for about 3-4 hours. 

The smoke was terrible. We enjoyed a lot of rain in the south but returned to the thick wall of smoke as we went north. 

We trekked on and made it home. I was so thankful to be back with my kids. I slept well for the first time in months. Maybe knowing Harold is where he needs to be is settling my mind a bit. Here's hoping that as I stick to or alter my plans for school this year will lend more peace to my frenzied mind. Life is full of uncertainty and strife right now. Here's hoping. I know we are blessed I'm searching for ways to see that and understand where to put my time and energy. Life is good. Onward we go!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

8.11.21 Some more Addie pictures

She was checking the lighting to see what time of day would be best to do family pictures and she came up with these. The first one is so them, my no picture kids but oh how she captured personality. 

These two boys still love each other so much. While Bruce is still too rough and fast Merle though he gets frustrated loves to play with him and be with him. There bond is pretty tight. 
So is this brother. My ever trying 14 year old. How I hope that 15 is more willing and less stubborn. He too loves Merle though mostly just holding still and some playing catch. Merle loves to through things. Often it's potatoes because they are pretty available. 

Being a family takes lots and lots of patience and time. Letting the process just happen of growing up while working to provide and enforce rules and appropriate consequences is a major creative effort. Not to mention the sheer will of all the opposition. We are blessed with healthy smart kids, but wow it takes a lot of will power to keep the show moving and to continue teaching each new person. I'm thankful but this last week has been crushing with all the decisions, shopping, organization, and daily living. I would never change one kid or their placement but there are periods of large family life where I truly feel like I'm going to be eaten alive. This is one of those times. I'm so thankful for drivers who can do so much of the running. I'm thankful for energetic insightful kids who tackle huge problem areas and bring order to chaos. I'm thankful for the love they have for each other and the desire to share adventures and time with each other. I'm thankful for their strength and ability to get things done- whatever comes up they can do it. They are so good. It's ok and we get through these times because they pull so much weight. Life is good even when it's really hard.