Tuesday, August 10, 2021

8.10.21 Elder Saunders

How time flies and how connected we all are. Sunday night we headed over to the Stake Center and Harold was set apart as a missionary. These men assisted our stake president featured on the left. His dad had been the Stake president when my dad joined the church. President Nielsen was also good friends with the Merle Saunders for whom our Merle is named and my dad shared a close connection. Our paths just keep crossing here in this part of the world. I did not cry I am humbled by the kindness of these men in my life. I am thankful for Harold's resolve and decision to commit to serve for two years. I cannot fathom two years. 
We will probably not be all together for about 5 years. With the probability of others going on missions and the windows overlaping this picture will have to tide my momma heart for five years. 
Yep deer in the headlight. Knowing the train is coming and happy that the journey is beginning yet very worried about all the details and day to day. I'm working to increase my faith. In fact my most often pleaded prayer is "Lord help my unbelief."
Bruce has really latched on to the reality that he and his Papa share the same name. He requested this picture. How thankful I am that my parents live nearby and can be part of these big events. 
Anna got a genuine picture of Reed. It won't be long and we will be gathered for his departure. He is next on our ordinance list he will become a deacon in January. One thing about or family right now we are thick in moving along the covenant path with one ordinance or major milestone happening right after another. 
And after the boy phase we have these beauties who will bring new dimension, life, and activity to our home dynamic. They are so different and vivacious. We are truly blessed!
My Irish twins all grown up. They have always chased each other growing up both wanting to be doing the same thing at the same time. This time they have their wish I hope I'm included in their shared conversations as they both experience mission life together. I'm so thankful for where they choose to be personally, spiritually, and physically right now. 
Prayer warriors. These ladies have influenced and loved this young man more than he understands. How thankful we are for the prayers of the righteous and the influence of mothers. 

I wonder how she will turn out with her whole life marked by her siblings leaving and then returning. 
Right now I'm dealing with things hour by hour. I'm thankful for her hugs, smiles, and uninhibited perspective. Having little people while adding more also adds a measure of comfort that can't be overlooked. Their sweet simple desires to snuggle and slow down are helpful when my heart is full and in turmoil. 

As I had my usual bout of nerves on Saturday night and was loosing my supper. Merle man was standing next to me hitting my arm demanding I come back to bed to snuggle him to sleep. After cleaning up I did indeed crawl into bed and relax into his sweet trusting body. I am blessed to have the many loving me as I do. Life is good and we will adapt as we always do. 

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