Friday, August 20, 2021

8.20.21 Family Picture Outtakes

Knowing our days were numbered and we would not be all together for a very longtime we sought to take some pictures. Addie and I found some shirts that would work and were affordably priced. We asked Uncle Bryce to come try out his new camera. We figured the kids would be comfortable with him so would give normal good faces. 

Grandma and Granpa joined us to visit in the mosquito feast. Actually it wasn't too bad. 
the kids always love playing together. 

John helped a friend move and was given this saw as a reward. I'm not sure why he likes it so, but he has always loved weaponry of any kind so I guess that's why he was so adamant to have it in all his pictures. 

these two go rounds like cats and dogs but ultimately are best friends. Oh they are a pair. 

Merle and Myla are two weeks apart and good friends. Merle likes to give her hugs. She lets him for a while. 

Now to sort through all the pictures. We are blessed and we are thankful to for the time we had and the next chapters that are unfolding. Life is good. 


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