Monday, August 9, 2021

8.9.21 Anna Temple Night

Anna went to the temple last week and it was so good to see the room fill up with these people. Being the oldest grandchild these aunts have blessed and shaped her life in so many ways. She was gifted cute clothes- her aunts have great taste. She was taken on fun adventures and has grown up with them in many ways. We are so thankful for their influence and love of her. 

It was a different experience being the escort than being the observer like when Harold went a few weeks ago. Because Harold was more under my care we had lots of discussions about the temple, for some reason I didn't talk to Anna about hardly any of the temple stuff she didn't even get to go get all her clothing with me. There's been so many different needs and scheduling issues with her going, as I sat there separated from her thinking oh no I was thankful for a long time family friend coming to visit with me and share some insights she had gained having her kids go on missions and return. 
Anna of course was prepared for this and had a great experience even without a big mom talk. She is so incredibly centered and calm. I'm so thankful for the person she has become, for her kindness, depth of character and deep faith in Jesus Christ. 
We were glad to have Aunt Alena and Uncle Bryce join us too. They too are special influences on Anna's life. 

And of course Anna's grandparents. She has the special privilege of working with them and staying with them while she works. We are grateful for their support and encouragement. She gets to learn and visit with them one on one. That is priceless time.

Her other grandparents were there too but finishing up their temple work shift. They too have played a huge role in shaping her personality and helping her world view. We are blessed by a strong and large support system. This was definitely a parent pay day. We are thankful for each of our kids and the examples our oldest two are setting. We are blessed. 

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