Monday, August 2, 2021

8.2.21 Fair 2021

We arrived the fair on Tuesday morning with chickens and pigs. We passed the vet checks and the weigh ins. The chickens were placed and we hurried to Boise for Mark's doctor appointments. We got a text later the chickens were too light. After shopping and the obligatory waiting on doctors and listening to their assessments cleaning up chickens in a few hours was less than appealing but had to be done. WE got back to the fair around 5 and packed the chickens back in the totes and cleaned all their cages and feeders. Definitely easier after only a few hours use versus a whole week. The boys were sad not be able to show and sell but there were other opportunities ahead for them. 
There were a lot fewer exhibits overall this year. I hope that kids come back next year it's such a great way to meet people and take time to visit and laugh while having a shared experience. 
Aliza generously helped as Mark still isn't supposed to life much. Those poor chickens it was so hot outside and that air conditioned barn was a welcome relief from the heat. 
The next day began showmanship for the pig kids. They did ok. I think Addie and Reed earned blue Ribbons and Aliza a red. 

The kids endured the hot week continually spraying down their hogs. The judge did not like this Duroc breed preferring the more expensive show hogs so the kids again placed with red ribbons. However on sale day everything is ok. The kids did well Reed earned $7 a lb, Addie and Aliza each got $8 a lb. 

At home there was a lot of work to do too. Anna was home and manned all the water worries. She was very sunburned and tired each day.  This was taken after hours in the field changing u-joints on a broken pivot. 

The younger kids sure love having her home!

We look forward to when we can turn the water off now that it's August we are on the downhill side. The fair was another great experience. There are so many good families and kids in our community that teach respect, work, faith, and integrity. We are so thankful for our 4-h leaders and their teaching and encouragement. Fair is a hardship for those at home but a great opportunity for those that participate. My original 4-h'ers are moving on and our next group is looking forward to having similar participation. I'm grateful they can too.  Life is good. 

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