Wednesday, August 25, 2021

8.24.21 Opportunities and harvest

Event though school started work goes on. Anna has the opportunity to learn some new skills driving truck for some friends. One of the new learning challenges is operating heavy equipment like this to load her truck. I love how she's not afraid to learn and thus has many diverse skills!
Dinners are easy right now a mix of what's to be found in the garden. Reed still is the number one finder. Though he was pretty tied up with the other 300 acres this year he still finds great joy in harvesting edible food for dinner. 

And to add to the stress and hustle of the day before school we did some corn. I have no idea how many bags everything was rush rush that day. These troopers sit and shuck and shuck until all the corn is bare. The cows in the background are all too happy to see the red bags of corn waiting for their favorite parts the husks and silks. 
    So we keep squeezing the most out of each day and falling into bed very tired. Everyone has shifted positions and are learning new roles and responsibilities. We had our first melt down this morning over sweet enough whipped cream. But we got it settled and the day moved on. It's definitely different trying to figure out babysitters and keeping things moving here which mostly means holding lonely little people. But all in all life is pretty normal. We are blessed.
    A quick note for me. I've been reading, following, studying, and weighing the vaccine and if it's safe, necessary, and or appropriate for my family members. The missionaries have to get it or stay home. The others I was so unsure. I've seen or heard friends and family members get the disease and not wanted to experience the long journey of sickness the endured. Thus yesterday while we were visiting Mark's doctors we happened to ask the question at the infectious disease doctor office. She spent over half an hour drawing us pictures, teaching us the science of how m-RNA works, and what she is seeing in her work treating sick COVID kids. She talked about risks and reactions. She explained more of the miracles of life that God set in motion that are just truly awesome.  It was fascinating.

     More importantly just like the back to school night, sitting across from her looking her straight in the eye, trusting her from all the visits in the past and her colleagues high praises of her throughout our hospital stay I trust her. I have experienced her work. She was not pushy or forceful, she was upfront and knowledgeable. She related what she knew and how the virus is progressing. My take away was get the vaccine it prevents the worst stuff that gets you in the hospital. After our lengthy stay with Mark the last place I want to be is with any of my family back there. Although I remain humbled and eternally grateful for the work they do and are able to do. But even they shared their frustration and weariness at not being able to save all or correct every problem they see. Sometimes modern medicine is just not enough.  
    I believe in the other vaccines, we have been spared so much suffering, inconvenience and even death. That was very common in the past. Large families were the norm but few or a lot less survived into adulthood. I cannot fathom loosing family members in quick succession to disease. I'm thankful that's not my reality. 
    So with study and faith in my heart that it will be ok and we will be blessed for our desire to do what the prophet has repeatedly urged us to do Mark and I went and got the shot. It was eye opening to watch and listen to the various customers as we waited. We enjoyed ice cream treats as we waited to see if we had an adverse reaction. Mark is brave and strong. I'm trying to teach my kids to be faithful and to be safe. My arm hurts today and Merle loves to be on that side of me. Onward we go. 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading testimonies of how people have come to follow the prophet. Some, it was instant, others it took time. Thanks for sharing.
