Thursday, August 19, 2021

8.19.21 The MTC dropoff

The day finally came. We headed to Utah on Tuesday arriving in time to share dinner with Uncle Matt in Ogden, then moving down to Southern Central Utah to stay with Uncle Richard and Aunt Deanne. Merle was so happy to play with little kids. He was sorely missing his siblings and was overjoyed that their youngest daughter was awake to play with him. After a short visit we went to bed and he slept willingly and peacefully which was a huge blessing. The next morning Harold donned his special entering the MTC tie given so generously by Uncle Justin. It's the same tie  he wore when he entered the MTC many years ago. So thoughtful of him to make a connection with Harold. 
After breakfast we hurried to Aunt Natalie's to look around, then proceeded to Janice Kapp Perry's for a great visit. It was fun to hear her stories and spend time with her in her home. Harold enjoyed the time listening and visiting. I was kept busy chasing Merle around and keeping him out of the dog food and water.

We moved on to Gary and Joy Saunders Lundberg's house for lunch. they had graciously ordered Porthouse subs for us. They were so delicious. But even better was the stories and sweet spirit of love and faith that pervades their home. They have assorted family heirlooms that are special mostly because they were their parents. I spent time there watching and diverting small hands from the little trinkets and away from the precarious tables. 

Yet even with the tending, Joy and Gary took special notice and effort to visit with each of us. Each of these families has had unique and notable lives. They work together with their spouses to encourage and uplift. It is an honor to spend time with them. I love listening to their stories wehre they chose faith and were supported through their trials. 

We left just in time to be a bit early to the drop off. When we got to the gate they did not have Harold's name on the list. After more searching and another attendant his name was found and we pulled up to the drop point. The bags were unloaded and shared with another elder to walk Harold in the door. I gave Harold a big hug, he didn't hug back of course embarrassed in public, though we were the only ones there dropping off a missionary. A lady took two pictures and we walked away. I cried some I'd been crying before. Happy Miserable Joy. The thought of being apart for two years is just awful. The thrill of his choice to go and learn and serve for two years is hearts bursting with pride. 
We hurried to leave Provo knowing lots of traffic was ahead. My sister had suggested a certain ice cream shop which I spied on our rush out of town. We quickly crossed traffic lanes and Greg went to buy ice cream. He got five scoops! Merle was asleep it was just us eating ice cream in the rain as we drove. It was good! 

We decided to do something totally uncharacteristic and detoured to see the rockets Uncle Matt makes at ATK in Tremonton. They were stunning to see close up. We were thankful for the decision. It was truly awesome to see the size and a narrow scope of the American air power in one location.

A few miles away is the golden spike monument. The railroad beds are very close to this. The monument was closed. 

Merle man was thrilled to be out of the care. Being born during COVID he hasn't rode in a car seat very often. This marathon session of 18 plus hours in the car was rough on him. Thankfully he only cried for about 3-4 hours. 

The smoke was terrible. We enjoyed a lot of rain in the south but returned to the thick wall of smoke as we went north. 

We trekked on and made it home. I was so thankful to be back with my kids. I slept well for the first time in months. Maybe knowing Harold is where he needs to be is settling my mind a bit. Here's hoping that as I stick to or alter my plans for school this year will lend more peace to my frenzied mind. Life is full of uncertainty and strife right now. Here's hoping. I know we are blessed I'm searching for ways to see that and understand where to put my time and energy. Life is good. Onward we go!

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