Wednesday, August 11, 2021

8.11.21 Some more Addie pictures

She was checking the lighting to see what time of day would be best to do family pictures and she came up with these. The first one is so them, my no picture kids but oh how she captured personality. 

These two boys still love each other so much. While Bruce is still too rough and fast Merle though he gets frustrated loves to play with him and be with him. There bond is pretty tight. 
So is this brother. My ever trying 14 year old. How I hope that 15 is more willing and less stubborn. He too loves Merle though mostly just holding still and some playing catch. Merle loves to through things. Often it's potatoes because they are pretty available. 

Being a family takes lots and lots of patience and time. Letting the process just happen of growing up while working to provide and enforce rules and appropriate consequences is a major creative effort. Not to mention the sheer will of all the opposition. We are blessed with healthy smart kids, but wow it takes a lot of will power to keep the show moving and to continue teaching each new person. I'm thankful but this last week has been crushing with all the decisions, shopping, organization, and daily living. I would never change one kid or their placement but there are periods of large family life where I truly feel like I'm going to be eaten alive. This is one of those times. I'm so thankful for drivers who can do so much of the running. I'm thankful for energetic insightful kids who tackle huge problem areas and bring order to chaos. I'm thankful for the love they have for each other and the desire to share adventures and time with each other. I'm thankful for their strength and ability to get things done- whatever comes up they can do it. They are so good. It's ok and we get through these times because they pull so much weight. Life is good even when it's really hard. 

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