Sunday, August 22, 2021

8.21.21 First Day

We started school. The kids were various levels of excited as shown by their faces. It was a last minute decision I was thinking we would homeschool again and we may end up there again but for the moment the kids are in school. They came home very tired yet excited or comfortable with the days events. 
When I was really wrestling with the decision I finally resolved to go to the school and see how I felt there. I felt really good looking in the teachers eyes feeling of their warmth and geniune desire to nurture my kids calmed my heart. The spirit whispered to me that it would be ok. So I'm trusting in that prompting and for now this is the direction we are going. 
After getting everyone settled and shown to their classrooms I was in time to see something I had never witnessed. The daily raising of the flag. The teacher whisteled and called all the kids to attnetion. They all stopped and were quiet. Many took off their hats and stood at attention. The boys worked to raise the flag carefully and respectfully. I was awed. Again my choice to send the kids was reaffirmed this is a good place for them to go. The flag was raised to the top of the poll and the kids resumed their activities they pledge it when lined up to go inside. 

Later in the day I got these pictures taken by an industrious 3rd grader. 

I spied this picture of my high school kids. Aliza and Mark on his first day. I was worried about him all day. It's kinda weird after spending so much time protecting him to send him away. He of course did just fine. 
Here at home Livy worked on school with breaks to do jobs. It's now our job to clean the bubblers and keep an eye on things. Bruce found a feather. The younger kids are so so noisy!!! Livy has a very curious and observant mind so small tasks like these are dreamlands of noticing all living and dead things. I try to be patient and realize this is just her way. She did well being the big kid at home. I've asked her repeatedly if she wants to go to school she says no. So we will do this for now. 
And I got this picture from my Elder from the MTC. His district decided to buy new matching shirts. He loves to shop so I wasn't surprised. I'd been wondering where to get a shirt like that? He's my big guy for sure. I'm thankful for all the pictures he sends. 

 He sent this picture too. How thankful I am for temple. We made great effort to get him there weekly before he left. He was able to go first thing when he got to the MTC. As a tender mercy the great cousin we had introduced him to right before entering the MTC was in the temple. Harold was able to see him and do a quick bit of work together. I know this was not a coincidence and was a blessing of a tender God reassuring him he is being watched over and he has a great legacy to draw from. 

I know that God watches over us and gives us boost just in the nick of time. I'm thankful for the impressions I receive when my mind is in fever pitch with worry and questions. I'm hopeful for new experiences and lots of growth. I try to be peaceful, mindful, and positive with my kids. I studied the need for opposition for two days and really thing moving them back to school changes the opposition from pushing against mom all the time to pushing against outside forces. So we shall see how it goes. 
No matter what I know we are blessed even when life is extremely hard and dark, we are blessed. 

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