Thursday, June 30, 2022

6.30.22 Missionaries

The kids love when Harold calls because he knows how to apply funny filters. He's been so thoughtful to call on their birthdays. 

At transfers no idea who was going where but here's Harold and his fellow Elders. 

He's definitely looking farm strong. 

Our sweet sister missionary talking with Andrea who really gooed and cooed to her one week it was precious. 

Anna and her green companion. She is having a great time teaching this fun young lady from Colorado. 

 I love when I get random texts with pictures of my missionaries in someone's home. We are spoiled with their ability to call and visit and the many instant pictures we get. We are blessed by their service. While Greg and I are still deep in the trenches of raising and providing for a family it's good to look up to the kids who are serving in so many ways. Aliza is now going to work in the temple she has made a intentional effort to learn there. I'm thankful for her choices and righteous desires. Life is good. 

6.30.22 Update

There was a pretty big fire that happened this week in Willowcreek here I am driving home and trying to capture the smoke bilging from that area. Also notice the empty road usually this has lots of traffic. The insanely manipulated gas prices are really starting to effect travel. 

Andrea is just getting cuter and cuter. I am making her spend some time on the floor, as she has proven she can push and inch her way off the couch a few times this week. She has to learn to roll over and that just takes time on the floor crying as it may be, but she has turned to her tummy at least once which she didn't like any more than lying alone on her back. 

Alone can be a dangerous place when her brother comes. It's also interesting. He loves to be around her. 

Until he starts picking, licking, biting, pulling, whatever he comes up with at the time. She knows what he does and is leery. 

Another Andrea alone and so sad moment. Mark was refilling my wheat bucket and of course thought he should lay it on her. She was actually soothed... weighted blanket? 

Our vibrant sassy Lia showing off her new headband. 

Merle asleep on the table so tired from the day chasing the big kids. 

A much needed bike repair night. Afton particularly was so excited to have her bike fixed now we have collisions because too many riders are going too fast in the same area. Poor Bruce is a scabby bruised rider but he still wants to beat them, sometimes he does sometimes he doesn't. 

Lubricating chains. 

The boys have found some mammoth eggs the last two days we cracked on today for Bruce's breakfast see the hand with the blister started from riding bikes so much? Anyway it was a big double yoker interesting only one yoke was fertilized. I always wondered what would happen if it was sat one would you get two chicks? Guess not. 

We went to the pool and the local paper had a photographer there. She snapped this shot of John mauling Reed for the basketball. Someday Reed is going to be as big as John and then oh my!

 Summer! More and more work, lots of arguing, and lots of stress. The three girls are pulling weeds that were too big for the spray to knock down or immune to it, in the corn rows. Addie does much of tube watering and is the tractor driver. Bruce and Merle ride with Addie on the four-wheelers, or in the tractor they really enjoy going with her. Reed is on cows and sprinklers and tubes, and spraying. Mark is on tractors, fixing the big problems, animals and being in high school so more activities. Drivers Ed is particularly time consuming right now 3 hours a day 3 days a week. John works with Greg at the mechanic shop. Aliza drives and drives- thankfully its a lot more complicated when she is gone. I keep telling myself I have to take over all this stuff but she sure helps out. She also manages the little kids weeding which is huge help. I do dishes and cook and take care of Andrea... Life is full. We sure enjoy the cooler summer only two days over 100 so far this year a welcome change to the constant heat of last year. WE are blessed!

Saturday, June 18, 2022

6.18.22 Caleb farewell

The thought of going places seems entertaining but the reality of finding all the necessary clothes, shoes, and socks and toiletries for all my people for  a few days is not. The uncomfortable car ride- we are full and with allt he stuff we are super full. The fights, close calls with other drivers and usual tiredness make it an ordeal The little ones entertained themselves talking to each other the more interactive she gets the more delighted her siblings are with her. 
The rain made it possible for us to leave. This new method of depending on God for rain is strange to the normal sweat and toil of all the years past. I like lettign Him take care of the details though much less stress involved and money!
One of the events this weekend was blessing of the two on the right. These are the babies born since February. 3 girls from left Andrea Saunders, Marilla Marvin, then Owen Dill and Miriam Flake. Miriam is the youngest at about a month old. 
Cousins a few years older. Jeddie Flake, Zane Dill, Hans Flake, Bruce Saunders, in front Ephriam Flake.
Born on the same day a few years apart. Reed Saunders, Blaine Dewsnup it took a lot of cajoling to get this picture. 
Grandpa with two of his dauthers Sheryl and Brenda. 
Jay looking like a pioneer, Grandpa, Sheryl, Brenda and John Drake. 
Cami Saunders with Andrea showing her new thumb sucking skills. 
Aliza giving me a break holding a cranky/hungry Andrea. Aliza is the best with our babies, oh how we appreciate her co-parenting help. 
Lunch is served for about 130. 
Toys are found!

The girls 8-10 years old Left clockwise Emilyn Sandberg, Cami Saunders, Aleda Sandberg, Millie Saunders, Saige Sandberg, Megan Saunders newly baptized the day before. 
Aliza and Karadyn
NAthan Sandberg, Reed Saunders, Thomas Flake, Colton Saunders
Mark and Andrea
Addie and Sheryl share a birthday

Whit and James Bingham, Heber and Newell Flake, Jay. 
Sheryl and Kate Bingham

Basketball shoot off
So many cool dolls and accessories+

The horse stables and accessories were dreamy!!
the true show stopper or topper was the soft serve ice cream machine in the garage. So so good! 
Food prep. As always no one went away hungry. 

Unknown friend of the family, BRooke Saunders, Aliza 
Zane, Bruce Trenton in background, Reed fighting with Bruce. 
The babies Andrea, Owen, Miriam, Marilla

Man ready to play ping pong
Ryker and Reed playing air hockey

Change of plans due to weather eating in the garage. 

Sundays are anything but dull when all together. What a fun venue there's plenty of space to spread out and have room for a crowd. That was the plan when they built the house room to host a crowd, We are thankful for their hospitality and gracious examples. It was worth the struggle to get there and the fast forward pace we always choose to live in. Life is good.