Friday, June 3, 2022

6.3.22 First irrigation, spring, cleaning, and friends

This guy is most happy outside working. He cries at the door making us miserable until we let him out. Unfortunately he heads off to where ever a tractor is working. This day he was working with Addie. 

Addie is great about involving the younger kids. They go irrigate with her however sometimes the field is wetter than they can navigate. This day Alia was lost in a hole. Bruce is trying to help her out. She was standing there crying about being stuck and he was trying to get her something to hold onto. No worries that he's standing on the just sprouted corn. 

Smiling for the camera, or taking a break from crying. Admittedly she is very stuck. Thankfully she didn't fall over. Of course I was sitting at home taking care of Andrea. Addie shares her adventures with me. We are thankful for teenagers to teach and exercise the younger ones. 

I knew a large storm was coming so I offered delivery service to the flower lady. She agreed and Aliza, Andrea and I spent a lovely few hours sharing flowers with friends. Early spring flowers in their blus and purple glory as just gorgeous to my eyes. The car smelled divine with so many iris, lilacs, and snowballs. 

Merle helped dish up dinner. He would scoop peas onto each plate as the pan emptied 4 peas a time was the norm but he stuck with it rarely resorting to just using his hand to get enough peas on each plate. 

One of the best parts of graduation is attending graduation parties. Can you tell these guys are related? We rarely take pictures when we are at public functions but we should. WE haven't seen this extended family for a few years. It's always good to catch up. 

Aliza and her friend Alyssa. Such sweet girls. 

Man being big like his sisters. 

We took our turn cleaning the church. We love this chance to serve. The organizers say they love that so many hands come they can do the extra jobs that don't always get accomplished. 

Donuts were a new reward. Of course no one turned those down. A sweet spot was getting to visit with our friend who has moved on in his life. The boys had a great time visiting. 

Addie and Reed watching the water run down rows. 

Man in his sun hat. 

Another graduation party, another set of friends. 

Even friends from my childhood. Tina's daughter was in love with Alia, she spent time playing with her with Livy joining in intermittently. 

They had a smores station complete with axe and wood. All things my kids enjoy, and were more than happy to make themselves at home with each experience. 

Visiting with Aliza's high school friends was an eye opener. I was delighted with their wit and observations. I see why she enjoyed and trusted them. I only wish I had known this sooner. 


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