Sunday, June 5, 2022

6.5.22 Golden Hours

There's a push and pull between older kids and younger. The older kids take such good care of the younger ones. This happens in between being annoyed and being mad that they are in their stuff. Addie loves to exercise she takes the kids for walks and takes pictures of their cuteness. I'm usually at home making dinner or nursing Andrea. 
Of course she wants them to Run! This is good for them and makes the feel accomplished. They are strong and have lots of energy. 

Bruce is becoming more adventurous this summer. Tree climbing is a favorite challenge. 
Lia was crying as she walked about how she couldn't keep going. Addie had no mercy and she had to keep walking. 

Yaya job well done!!

Bruce is preoccupied with being strong. It could be living with older brothers who spend a bit of time each night exercising or it could be Addie asking if he wants big muscles then help her mow the lawn, or carry something or whatever. I'm thankful for the time we have had this spring waiting for the crops to grow. We prayed for rain and it has been received. Now for some heat and we will be in high corn for the fourth of July. An old benchmark was knee high by the 4th of July. With heat I know this is possible. I'm thankful for the help and creativity of the older kids they make life interesting and challenging for all at our house. We are blessed. 

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