Wednesday, June 1, 2022

6.1.22 Flags & Normal Days

A tradition with our 4-H club is placing flags on the graves of dead service men and women. We love this event. Each year we know a few more of the people resting up on the hilltop cemetery in our town. It's an honor to place a reminder of their service to our country and way of life. 

We love noticing the various headstone designs and memories etched in stone commemorating a life. 

We learn some flag etiquette while walking up and down the rows. 

An added bonus is interacting with other kids and families. Oh how we will miss this lady as this is most likely her last year. 

One morning Bruce was snuggling with Alia. She is getting so expressive. 

All of my children love mandarin oranges. They use pocket knives to access the desired yumminess inside. I don't condone this, here Alia is being more civilized asking me to open the can for her. 

Aliza was a careful diligent student. She saved all of her coursework for her high school career. She promised me she would get rid of it after graduation. As my shelves bowed more and more in the final months I worried they would not last. However, true to her word she spent a few days sorting and organizing her life and this was the solemn, joyful, release back to nature of all that work. 

 Andrea and man share a lot of time. He still tries to push her off my lap, I still spend most of their time together holding him back and asking him to be soft or nice to her. She is patient and smiles at him. She doesn't cry unless he hurts her. We spend so much time everyday on that couch. I'm thankful to be able to mostly meet her nursing needs. 
I contacted my primary childhood friend last night. She told me she was moving to Hawaii as a hospital administrator. I was not surprised she is organized, in charge and smart. As I surveyed the mound of dishes my shirt covered in baby spit up and the absolute days of just caring for others I Was struck with remorse for the life that is not mine. Growing up we dreamed big of fantastic amounts of money buying all we wanted. Handsome husbands and freedom to do as we pleased. Isn't that the punchline to all high school girls stated life objectives to marry a rich handsome man? 
I married the man that is my perfect match. Never had I imagined him to be a red head but I do love all the redheads we have in our family and I love all of him. We are not rich. That has never been our objective. We have enough. Finances always work out. We have been blessed to have what we need when we need it. Am I missing out? No.
As I mourned while I did dishes of the life that was not mine, I came to realize my career is making people. I'm pleased with the people that have graduated from our home life. I know we are not done parenting. We have a long long way to go. I'm thankful to be on this journey with these lovely people. I pray not to wear out, and give thanks for quiet whisperings that encourage me to be satisfied with the life that is mine. We are blessed as we get busier and more is required of our time I hold on to these normal days, even with all the unrest and evil in the world in my home we look to God and live. Life is good. 

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