Thursday, June 30, 2022

6.30.22 Missionaries

The kids love when Harold calls because he knows how to apply funny filters. He's been so thoughtful to call on their birthdays. 

At transfers no idea who was going where but here's Harold and his fellow Elders. 

He's definitely looking farm strong. 

Our sweet sister missionary talking with Andrea who really gooed and cooed to her one week it was precious. 

Anna and her green companion. She is having a great time teaching this fun young lady from Colorado. 

 I love when I get random texts with pictures of my missionaries in someone's home. We are spoiled with their ability to call and visit and the many instant pictures we get. We are blessed by their service. While Greg and I are still deep in the trenches of raising and providing for a family it's good to look up to the kids who are serving in so many ways. Aliza is now going to work in the temple she has made a intentional effort to learn there. I'm thankful for her choices and righteous desires. Life is good. 

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