Tuesday, June 7, 2022

6.7.22 Happy Days

Summer is a great time for being together. Merle loves being with his dad and of course his dad loves taking his kids along. 
I got a text one day saying my children had finally gotten moving and were of worth because they were mowing the lawn. Oh my sweet crew boss. C 

We headed to the Church orchard last week to do some thinning.  The rows looked daunting when we pulled up. 
Merle got into the swing of things. He personally loved picking and throwing the fruit. 
I spent my time with him and Andrea. She is a pretty demanding child still. This is her happy spot
The kids were pretty good sports. The new tree are much easier to work with. No ladders and no shade. It was hot, because it has been cool the heat was a real shock to the system. We were happy to find a row in the middle of the long line of trees. We did our row and left a lot of fruit on the ground. It's always hard to thin it feels so wasteful. We learned when we got home that we should have thinned more. 

After the orchard we went to DI Bruce found a set of army men and supplies. He had a great time playing army.

The girls found some Barbie horses. 

I get random pictures of boots all the time. Addie was bringing home Mark's boots. Reed is shown with her. 
The kids love to go on walks especially. 

Another attempt at Come Follow Me. As you can see the kids are really into the lesson as you can see. They are playing army.
Reed making another banana cake. 

Alivia is getting close to Reed in height. 

Summer is just a great time to take it easy and soak up the sun! Bruce learned to ride his bike. 

Millie found a handful of 4 leaf clovers. We couldn't believe her luck! Here's her proof. 

The long days of summer are soothing and refreshing. I spend a lot of time trying to get kids to do productive things and a few chores. 

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