Friday, June 17, 2022

6.17.22 Addie Girls Camp/ Exploratory Trip

I thought it was so cute that Merle was helping Lia get her shoes on. He puts his shoes on and off all the time as he pleases. Alia begs and cries for help. So he helped her this day so we could go to the garden. These two are not welome or encouraged to go to the garden very often right now as their feet don't know what is a plant and what is a weed. 
Addie left for girls camp or an exploration trip. The leaders took them to Rexburg to explore the BYU-I campus, to hike and bond. At first I Was incredulous but after hearing Addie's reports and thinking about it I realized this was a perfect trip to inspire the girls to higher heights and to consider options most of them hadn't. 
First stop the temple. 

At home we got to do the irrigating. My helpers. 

The campers got a great tour of the BYUI campus complete with the greenhouses and ropes course. With a free lunch at the cafeteria. 

More water I would go set the tubes as no one but Addie, Reed, and the older boys has the knack of that then I would direct the kids how to clean out the rows or how much more of the row to clean. 
We took sometime to share flowers with our close neighbors. Flowers from our flower lady friend again right before the weekend storm. They were so lovely. 

It was a treat to visit for a few minutes with our near neighbors. We try to be good neighbors but it's easy to go a year without speaking to those that live just down the road from us. We're trying to do better with that. As times get darker and harder we need friendship and check-ins. Life is good!

 Bear World

First ferris wheel ride

A butterfly exhibit where you could buy a cotton swab dipped in nectar and the butterflies would land on it to drink the nectar. 
Dinner and a show at a playhouse.

A hike. Easy peasy for super fit addie.
Morning devotionals

the beautiful end to my day while addie was gone.

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