Thursday, June 16, 2022

6.8.22 Addie Photography

One reason Addie has a phone is her willingness to take pictures. She is not one to linger visiting with any group. She quickly and efficiently rounds the kids up and gets them in the car. Sometimes she bribes them with taking their pictures. 
Andrea is getting more interactive. She is fun a few minutes at a time. 

Dancing in the rain! We were thankful for the rain, the blessing of not getting damaging hail, and the rainbows that followed. 

These younger brothers were so sad to not go camping with the big boys. 
Playing with cousins the cooler weather is just right for being outside. 

We were invited up to the reservoir to eat dinner. The kids ate a few bites and headed toward the water. 

Throwing rocks in the water. The reservoir isn't that far from our house but my goodness it was so peaceful and beautiful. We truly caught our breath. 

They wanted to sleep in a tent. We compromised and they set them up in the yard. 
The pigs are growing well this year. Addie and Reed are getting pretty good at raising pork. 

Bruce shared with Addie and the other girls shared a tent. Addie had a huge tractor pin under her bag she discovered in the morning after a restless night. 
Merle is the age he loves to push his truck everywhere. 

 Summer is slow and fast. Lots of slow time to dream, learning to do jobs, working on reading and listening to books. Life is good we are thankful for this time. 

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