Tuesday, February 28, 2023

2.28.23 Womens Conference

We were treated with a visual spiritual experience last weekend. Sue, Livy, Millie and I headed to Ontario for the annual Relief Society Women's conference. I wasn't feeling 100% but desired to support my mom and show my girls a special day with their grandmas. Little did we know how inspiring the event would be. Each room was decorated as a scene from the Savior's life. There was art work and decoration to set the tone. A disciple of Christ spoke to us about their life experience with Jesus and we were left to discuss our own experience with miracles, healing, the spirit, or being alone. It was unique in that participants were encouraged and invited to share their story instead of just being listeners. There were hundreds of hours of work provided to make this event a reality. I was thankful we made the effort to go. 
This is the tomb room. 

The artist in charge sculpted this bust of Christ during COVID. What a beautiful use of time. 

Our next room was the river Jordan. I love the water and calm in this room. The dove was particularly delightful. 

The girls loved the wedding feast room. It was so inviting and pretty. Just what I would imagine a wedding feast to be. 

Silly Millie tasting the plastic fruit. This was after all the groups had gone through.

I loved the reverence in the wilderness room. The colors were soothing. I connect to the picture where the Savior seems to be gathering his inner strength steeling his resolve to walk the path that is His. I have felt that burden and yet know I have been able to do what I needed to do with His help and Hope. 
The girls loved this crown. It was beautiful. 

The chapel was decorated to look like Gethsemene. That is the artist in charge Janice at the pulpit. 

Livy helped paint grass on the olive orchard. 

 We were treated to walking tacos at the end. It was a special day to ponder how Christ strengthens and encourages us on. A day to visit and be renewed with our associations of friends from our past. It was good to introduce Livy and Millie to Relief Society. We are blessed by the talents of others. Life is good. 

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