Sunday, May 10, 2015

5.10.15 Mothers day tea party

Today is a special day! Mother's Day. A day that can make one hang their head in shame, not feeling that they live up to the lofty accolades that are thrown out to mothers everywhere. As I was contemplating how to shower our mothers with some TLC, two special ladies concurred that we needed to feed the women and why not take it up a notch and make it a tea party!

Thus the seed was planted and began to grow. I had ideas and recommendations sent from Aunt Brenda who attended tea at The Plaza.  After reading and viewing her suggestions and a few recipes from the internet, Sue and I made up the menu. I consulted my fabulous counselors they were on board. I asked them to make different sandwiches and to cover different responsibilities and we were ready to go. I got the shopping done, played with making sandwiches in different shapes and methods all week, and gathered fancy dishes.

It was so fun to work on a special event for so many faithful, fun, friends in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This is our tea...

Watermelon cut in fun shapes

Pretty cut glass hostess sets were pulled out and used to emphasize the divine heritage of each of the women there.

Chicken Salad, Roast Beef, Benedictine (Cucumber), and Tomato Mozzarella sandwiches

Mini tarts- my Aliza helped make them for Alena's wedding she is a whiz at tarts.

Mini- Eclairs bought from the store

It is my firm testimony that motherhood as revealed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a divine partnership with God. That these children can be with us forever and that this job alone is the most important in all of our mortal experience. I likened it to peanut butter snadwhiches.

As a mom they are a staple of life. They get the crowd fed and they are easy and plain. Many say motherhood is similar. Anybody can have a baby, its just a passing stage on your way to something better. A necessity that's not a big deal. However we know that it is made up of small successes and failures and that it is our most important work. Work we do in partnership with our Heavenly Father who loves us and is grateful for our willingness to bear children and be moms.

It always swells my heart to hear and see the sisters in our ward visiting- lifting, encouraging, and laughing with each other. It is through these interactions that we are better able to go on. It was a delightful and stretching experience for me. Only possible thru the many hands that helped make it a reality. Sue in her planning, my counselors for their enthusiasm and willingness, my kids for their help and patience, my husband and Brother Philips for man-aging the tables, chairs and general heavy stuff and for putting up with the fancy, Alena and Bryce such a handy pair, and Anna for being my right hand. It worked out great! God loves women, I have felt his love for me and his conformation of this love when pondering how to love the sisters. It has been a good day!

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