Monday, May 18, 2015

5.18.15 On the Way Home

After the trouble shooting contest we loaded up to head home! Blah! Seriously too much type A here. We did however make a few stops. Harold is showing off his new hat being a junior ranger or something from the Bonneville Dam. It was so beautiful in Western Oregon. The eyes just can't hardly get enough of all the green  and blue.

We also stopped at Multinomah Falls. Lots of tourist and yes everyone has to have a picture selfie or otherwise standing by the falls? Why do we do that? Are our brains really so weak we can't remember things? Are we showing off for others? WE of course followed the crowd and took pictures.

The flowers at the fish hatchery were gorgeous Livy our free spirit really enjoyed smelling the flowers and even found a few to show me. Off the ground of course.

Reed is hiding and Afton is on me.

Higher up at the falls. I stayed with Millie and Afton the kids were waving at us from up high. It sure was a beautiful place. Complete with walking under the freeway it was a memorable stop. 

We loved learning about the power generating capacity of these majestic dams on the Columbia River. Not only do they generate mega amounts of power (especially compared to those ugly windmills) but they also control flood waters from wiping out Portland, and allow greater distances to be traveled on the water to haul huge loads on the barges. Through series of locks the barges are lifted or lowered up and down the Columbia. Amazing what science can do.

The view from the top of the visitors center

Millie up on top of dad on top of the visitors center

An old turbine. John is becoming a big kid following Harold's lead and then some.

It was a nice diversion to the long time we spent in the car. We really enjoyed the time just seeing the sights and learning more about our state. The barges and tug boats, the wind surfers, the pine trees and big mighty Cabbage Hill are always impressive. It was a quick trip- we are always in a hurry. I was not happy or pleased when we got home. So long sitting in the care to do so little. However, looking at the pictures I won't remember that frustration I will remember the good time we had being close together and sharing some learning, exploring, posing, and being together. Thank goodness time erases things. And I'm thankful Greg was willing to go and to stop so often trying to find some extra learning/fun/ and restrooms. All and all we survived and it is good to look back on.

 I did get a good look in the parenting mirror of why Addie was so disappointed with her plan for her birthday. Because I too was let down that my plan didn't quite go the way I anticipated for our big get away 30 hour trip to the Portland area and back. Like I told her though, "Life doesn't go as planned. Get over it and be grateful for what you do have!" Yep mirror talk is a powerful tool.

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