Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5.19.15 Bird Burial

Last week Reed found a chicken stuck in the wire fence. He rushed in to tell me it was dead. I told him not to touch it. Of course he did and was delighted to find if he poked it, it was still alive just lying very still. So he lifted the fence and resuced the chicken. Our hero!

Well that chicken was not well from then on. She made it back in the coop but hasn't been moving much since. Today she died for real. No amount of poking made her move. Again I told him not to touch it. He replied I drug it out by it's leg. I said okay well you have to bury it. He dug some but the ground was too hard so he instead piled lots of dirt on top and the job was done.

Such great days of education and enlightenment we have here.

This is Livy and him adding more covering to the grave site. Livy got all dressed up in her favorite sweatshirt and her pretty church shoes that might not be church shoes anymore. A girl's gotta do what her brother says especially when he is wielding a shovel.

She did a lot of watching. She got busy when I told her to help, but she did have a shovel in hand so it looked like she could do something if need be!

A shovel, dirt, a reason to dig and pound life is good on the farm! We may not know our alphabet but we get the reality of life. Love the happy shoeless boy that is becoming a man day by day, and his spunky accomplice that is up for any adventure. Life is good. 

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