Tuesday, May 12, 2015

5.11.15 3-Day Focus Method

Millie is a little more than 22 months. Time sure flies. Usually we start thinking potty training about this time, however being super on the ball I read the 3 Day Potty Training method e-book and have been psyched to try it for over a month. However one BIG hang-up. The method requests total focus and dedication to the one learning child. Nothing else, no meals, other kids, commitments or the life I mean like. That said I have struggled to find a clear 3 days in a row. But this Monday decided the time was now and we needed to get on this potty train. So we broke into the underwear stash and began.  That was new thing #1 we usually just went sans- diaper and proceeded to watch for signs setting the timer and giving lots of opportunity to go to get a reward.
Worn out from no nap (thanks Livy for springing her from bed) and thinking about keeping her panties dry all day.

Well Millie true to form loves the big girl underwear. She has been sneaking underwear over her diaper for the past few months. One major bonus of further down the line kids is the powerful example of older siblings. Just their very being makes the youngers want to do everything they do NOW! Addie is dying with this she wants to be 13 so bad. She is 7. So hard to wait FOREVER she says and NEVER get to do anything fun. Although she does much more fun than Anna ever did at her age. Oh well.
Learning to undress herself knowing she needs a potty visit. YEAH!! Recognition and putting it together. Love the shoes Livy's church shoes so highly sought after by little sister too.

Millie also likes to be completely covered down to shoes on. So that said every visit to bathroom is undress and re-dress complete. This makes for funny, long 30 minute increments. So far she is doing great just one more day. Afton is surviving mommy not paying a lot of attention (read sitting and holding time) to her. And the other kids are loving all the candy and treats going on. We all cheer Millie is good. I'm tired and can't stand up straight from lugging Millie to the potty 50x a day. Oh well. They said not to try to exercise or do any normal routine stuff... not that I was exercising but I would love to and well someday I hope I will have a second of me-time, or a chance to use the said potty. We are running out of potties here. We really could use another one. Oh well.
Maybe when I get this one trained I could get another potty- you know like a reward?! Dressed up courtesy of Livy.

This is one of my greatest accomplishments in life- teaching my children to be toilet trained. That along with my opinion on quality of socks makes me a thoroughly entertaining person to talk to. Oh motherhood you wear so many faces.

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