Wednesday, May 13, 2015

5.13.15 BIrthday Fun Flops

Addie is a girl with the plan. Not a grammatical error in her mind there is one way to do things. Sometimes its hard to make that a reality. She explained her wishes for her birthday crepes for breakfast  special birthday glass, treats at school- talked her out of pie and ice cream into brownies and ice cream-and then a hot dog roast.

We don't normally do hotdogs here but I figured we could make an exception. To prepare I got the crepes whipped night before- breakfast went well. Addie made her brownies before school. Got all my town running around done quick enough to even get 30 min downtime before heading to school. School was fun. Her classmates are cute and enjoyed the brownies and ice cream. They were impressed Addie made them herself. I'm not she is just that kind of kid Nothing is out of her reach especially if there are instructions.

However the day started slipping from there. We had planned to do hotdog roasting in between school and all the Wednesday night mutual stuff starting at 6. Harold was instructed to do the fire he sort of had one going and then the wind began to blow. And then it really blew and then it blew that fire out. I had placed the hot dogs in a pan to pan fry somehow this got accomplished but Addie was not a happy camper she wanted stick roasted hot dogs. Oh well no sticks, no fire, and it was a no go. As she moped into her dinner she declared "this is not how I planned it!!!" I told her that's how life is it just doesn't go as planned.

My parents were here for dinner and the kindly did the running of mutual kids so I could stay and rest. Addie got the exact presents she had asked for and was excited. Purple cowboy hat, purple cowgirl shirt, and a wowy I think the word nowadays is bling belt! She loves that outfit and wore it all day Thurs and Friday I have to admit I think I know where Addie got her attitude from but that's the next post on our big long fast trip to Portland.
Onto Reed- Found pictures of his birthday so I might as well report. We do a few things as birthday traditions that save my parenting status from total failure. One is the birthday cup.

 Reed is shown proudly using hte new birthday glass he thought was all his. It's a big deal to have the fancy glass for your birthday. Additionally you get to choose the menu items. Interesting what each kid chooses. He was eating cocoa puffs, the girls chose crepes.

Nobody has got a cake on their birthday this year too much other stuff going on and the school kids got treats at school so we are postponing till another day. That's about it I'm usually stumped on finding a gift they want that doesn't turn into junk immediately. I liked when we could go do a swimming trip or bowling. Maybe someday it will happen again.

So Aliza's birthday. There are no pictures because it was just a long busy day and I had no hands between baby and potty girl and rushing and trying to make it and just falling flat. She announced last night it would be a bad day because the weather was cloudy. Thanks for the curse.

Started off ok got the crepes prepped last night but went to bed before getting the pudding topping done. Got it ok this morning had enough cooked to start breakfast and everyone got out the door on time. Success! Then had to run pigs to Ontario in the single cab slow diesel pickup with 3 kids and a car seat and a mom and a trailer with no side mirror. Lovely. Got it done multiple stops and no potty accidents!

STRESSFUL success. Got home backed up the lane and into parking spot with time to spare to nurse baby and get some lunch, do one potty clean up... and even got some laundry going. But then we went out to go and nothing. Had to figure out how to jump the van. Bless my father-in-law for his run to the rescue. Really running down with the battery back. He helped me hook that up and jumper cables. Diesels are HARD to start. After waiting an eternal 8 minutes finally got going and headed to the school a mere 20 minutes away. We made it in time to rush into passing out treats scoop up the scouts and head back to town for cubby scouts. Then to the store for last day of add groceries. Reed didn't get hit in the parking lot because a distinguished citizen saw and heard him running away with the cart holding the groceries and little sister while his mom shouted for him to stop. The man stood in the middle of the road traffic was crossing and stopped traffic while Reed escaped. GRR!  We visited a sick friend, started dinner, got the teens to town for a talk, and back to complete dinner and manage the homework, clean-up and general nightly stuff.
There were no pictures, no cake, no presents (need her body and no big trailer towing behind to park to get what she requested), there was not even much comment from the birthday kid Ugh! Not a success. Later we will do something for her. Hopefully later with less stress and more focus we can pull out something that makes her feel special.

Birthday season is not always wonderful. No big fun memories and not how they were planned. I remember well each of their entrances and the unique way they each manifested themselves even in their birth style. I'm grateful for each one, even though I'm consumed trying to keep the overall daily show going. Hope they appreciate that too.

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