Tuesday, May 5, 2015

5.4.15 Horses

At our house horses are a big topic of discussion. With 6 girls horses are a major love. Girls love horses. Now of course Ann sets the tone of our home. Being the oldest, coolest, and of course most knowledgeable she of a sort rules the roost. Well I may have discovered her love of horses stems from her love of her dad.
 Exhibit A.

I had forgotten about this. I mean completely that we were the playmates of these two. My hat off and my heart out to my fabulous husband who has so completely loved and shared himself with his children. From his dinner to his bed to his hats, gloves and flashlights he is a master at sharing!

Livy thinks that's her in the picture. It is not. It is about 10 years ago when Anna was 3 and Harold was two. Must have been Winter as his hand is burned from touching the hot iron and he is wearing his potty training kilt.  Oh the days!
Fast forward to today. Promise this wasn't staged.

I guess we are uber boring or it's just what 3 and 2 year olds like to do. I will say the bigger kids are now the horses I haven't seen Greg crawling around for a few years. Thank goodness as we continue to age as the kids do and it's not so comfortable to crawl around- add in random legos and its about paralyzing.
Anyway traditions are good. Stages are fun and this is another reason why I blog to capture and remember our life. Boring as it maybe. I think the kids enjoy it.
Love to you today.

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