Wednesday, May 20, 2015

5.20.15 Family

Doesn't the Mormon Ad say Family... It's about time! Family does take a lot of time. This is Mark showing his award for Outstanding "Jr. Service Member from Modern Woodmen. All the kids were entered and he was drawn at random. He was pretty excited to find his name on the award. I had to reassure everyone that it was drawn at random. They are all good at giving service. They like to play and participate but they have learned to enjoy the clean-up as well. If I have my  crew to help I know we can accomplish most anything.

Reed was playing with Greg's ears as we read scriptures on night. We do get points for consistently opening the scriptures and as each kid takes their turn reading I hope they get something for it, occasionally we have question and answer but mostly we are just setting the pattern. As you can see there's not a deep level of pondering going on. Oh well, "Raise up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they shall not depart from it?!"
Afton is changing she is getting very alert and showing her strength. She loves to stand and take in all the action. We sure love having her!

When we got home from Portland we had a whole Saturday to work! That meant mowing the lawns. Our many hands need lots of action so we have 3 lawn mowing machines that work on this project. This year the older kids are learning to maintain those machines. Dad came home to give instruction on how to change the oil. Everyone turns out when dad is home.

Some were persuaded to wash the dirty car.

And some get the luxury of just making funny faces. Actually she is one of the best lawn mowers we have. Her and Mark do a major share of the pushing. Must be the age or the competition between those two. Best to you this great memorial weekend.

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