Wednesday, May 6, 2015

5.6.15 Days of our Lives

Doesn't that sound dramatic? My friend used to be hooked on days and would hrry home from school to catch up. Such a silly show. Around here our days are filled with cleaninup, cooking, cleaning, nursing, texting, researching, teaching, etc. It's busy tiring and good.
I struggle with how to harness and occupy the littles so they don't make huge messes. Milie loves to help and be big but is not quite skilled enough to do a lot of the work. She did like this project however.

A website  I read suggested Montessori tools for children. After reviewing their website and getting a feel for their intent I realized Millie could do more than I was realizing. She was filling some jars with beans for me. It's nice to grab and work instead of having yet another bucket cluttering my pantry. She loved this!!! Left alone with enough empty jars she could have worked for quite a while. She got interup[ted others wanted to help and it turned into a bit of a bean mess but job was done.
Some of my other personalities here like to play and imagine. One instance today was using the boxes I had got out to do some sorting/dejunking. Instead they became airplanes. My best laid plans put to rest again.
Oh well we are raising kids not castles here I'm sure I can sort when they are gone. And then I will wish someone would come take the job away and play with my 'tools.' Life is good, life is happening, and I'm living it upwards! Best to you.

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