Wednesday, May 20, 2015

5.20.15 -Real Potty Training Days

Potty training is great in theory it is hard in practice. Great confidence builder about drives mom crazy! 
I'm excited for summer because I will have more  helpers to watch kids and I can just "run" to town.
I made this very real list of why I never leave my house:
1. We are waiting on potty girl to go #2 in the toilet and that is a surprise that we never can make happen.
2. I'm tired after waiting then cleaning up and explaining again that it goes in the potty.

3. The 3 year old played in the car while waiting to go turned on lights which killed the battery AGAIN and I just decided to stay home. We have been late to so many things lately because of a dead battery and waiting to have it recharge. GRRR.
4. The baby is now hungry again and messy and we are still waiting on the potty girl.

5. Everyone painted each other and needs clean clothes.
6. I didn't shower because I was trying to pay attention to all the other stuff and can't go looking as is.
7. There is too much that should be done here- dinner, dishes, laundry, vacuuming and shampooing my carpets I spend lots of time looking at my carpets and wishing for time and privacy to clean them it's easier than thinking about starting a training and diet program to loose the extra weight..

8. They just tell me at the store "We don't have it here but you can order it online and have it shipped to your home!" DUH I could have done that, I usually do that, I will do it more in the future.
9. I'm tired and it's time for the rest of the crew to come home.
10. Can't find two of the same shoes for 3 kids and a mom. Although find several pairs in the car for one kid.
11. It's lunchtime/naptime by now and we are still anticipating the big potty event and mom is tired and doesn't want to deal with napping toddlers in the store in and out.

And that is why  never leave my house because I'm just not up for it. In New York City Amazon delivers to your door in an hour. There are perks to living in the city.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Amanda! I hear ya on the potty training frustrations. Still working on that one . . .
